Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Experience on Yavin 4

Blimey invited me out for hunting experience on Yavin 4 again. I was unsure about tackling that without any body armor. So I went to search for a vendor that would have some. FRUSTRATING!!! After being all over Corellia... NOTHING!!! lots of armor... but not body armor... biceps, pants, helms... GRRRRRrrrrrr. What a waste! FINE! I will fight without!

I did however, find a small mouse droid for harvesting. YAY! No more lost harvests because I am too busy fighting. So off I went to Yavin 4. We both need the fighting experience. He also heeds someone to do the harvesting for him.

On the road to our third mission, Blimey asked me an odd question. He asked if I had any children... I am not ready or sure how to answer that... so I didn't. I have buried many things. When we are having a quiet moment camping... then maybe I will think on this and share with him... maybe.

We ran into trouble near the end of our hunt. Black Sun Assassins. We tried to go around them. They are very dangerous. I had heard that their efficincy of dispatching a target or anyone who sees them... is better and quicker than a Sith Lord. Then Blimey called for help on the comm. I came immediately! It was a mis-comm. He accidentally use my channel and not this other person's channel. I was still relatively safe. He was busy fighting one of them. And remarkably holding his own... sorta. But the girl, another doctor, was shot off her bike. So I went to her to help as best I can with my limited skills. Just as she was revived, an assassin snuck up behind us. We ran a bit, tried to get to the city. Blimey killed one. And I reached his side (he was panicking about me being here) three more assassins attacked. They were deadly. We all died. We all cloned. We all took serious damage. Blimey healed us. But it was exhausting. So we traveled back to Coronet to have a drink in the cantina, listen to the uncoordinated musicians and the relatively decent dancers. We lucked out and found some people to train us before getting on the shuttle. In the cantina... we were so exhausted that we both fell asleep there.

Monday, August 30, 2004

First Medic Experience

I obtained my Novice in Medic today. And acquired a Helper R2 unit to annoy me and guide me. Now I can do a little bit of healing! I will not be helpless again! I think I will train for First Aid 1 and Diagnostics 1. Then, I can use Stim-B's for healing.

While I was in the Coronet's med centre learning the new skills, I met my first really friendly Rebel Alliance member. Killamann Dantarri is from Dantooine city Forsaken and the guild Forsaken Rebel Knights. We had an interesting talk about guilds, factions, jedi, skills and training. He was very friendly, for a human. He was also very helpful. I added him to my contact list. I found him, personable... and honourable.

At Blimey's House

I woke and dressed to dispatch the vermin to find that my Ubese armor jacket had fallen apart on me. Damn. I will have to deal with vermin with less armor. But, I will HAVE to invest in another armor jacket or vest (padded or tantel) before I do any more dangerous hunts. I have also decided to wait on getting Master Brawler. I will focus on getting my Master Scout (almost there, need training and need LOTS more survival experience) and getting my Teras Kasi Mastery.

Blimey must have been in the house recently! He must have gotten my email. There were MANY more things in his packs... and a third pack! It looked like choas in those packs. I hope he doesn't kill me. I renamed his packs... and organized their contents.

There are SO many houses around Blimey's that I cannot set up a camp. The vermin are gone... but I suspect they will return. Well, Vynock meat is at least useful for Blimey's meds. I got bored after killing off the vermin. So I walked through the mass amount of houses, passing TONS of vendors. None of them had armor. Damn. However, I did buy a new pack that later I will put in Blimey's house to stor some of my stuff in.

I think... I think I want to learn some medic skills. At least enough to use Stim-B's... for when I am hunting. Because I am not always with Blimey. And if ever he is so injured again and cannot heal himelf... I can at least do something!

Back H... on Coronet

I stopped at Blimey's house to check on the maintenance and sent him an email about there being resources and armor in his pack. I also mounted a couple of fish on the wall. I picked up a clothing repair kit for him in town to help him repair his doctor's clothes. There are many critters around his house. I will deal with them soon. I am on my way to check out a Point Of Interest labeled "Stronghold" on the planetary map.

I was rained on. And then attacked and incapacited by Slice Hounds. I really hate dogs now.

Well, the Stronghold is and Imperial military base with LOTS of troopes milling about. They all ignored me. Heading back to the house now to rest and deal with the vermin.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Yavin 4

Once Blimey and Eeseefa were healed and all in Theed. MUCH to my relief. They commenced joking. I gave Eeseefa my extra Ubese armor pants as he was in his Baggy Whites with no clothes. The armor he did have was mostly broken. Men destress by joking. Nut-Huggers... damn... that is funny. I am glad none were wearing "nut-huggers" instead of baggy whites. They were up for more! More fighting! The Zabrak spirit. I do the same, I guess. And besides, Eeseefa needed hides and meat to make more armor.

So Blimey got together some buffs and buffed us all. The we traveled to Yavin 4 to see what the hunting was like there. Hunting was good, experience was great, but the resources were crappy as far as quality. Must be the off season. they kept at it even after I crashed in my camp for the night. Adrenalin I guess.

I am glad they are both alive, especially Blimey. Still feel like it is my fault for not trying to warn him. I could almost... hug him... for being alive. But I won't. he wouldn't understand. Neither would I.

Secret Mission Gone Bad

I tagged Blimey on the comm during his secret mission. Not really wanting to interrupt, just wanting to know he was still alive. I was not prepared for the response...

I could hear his strength waning over the comm. He was hurt. BADLY! My breath caught... and my heart pounded. Why didn't I warn him! I should have warnde him! It was my fault. I KNEW something would go wrong... but was afraid he would not have listened, especially afetr the earlier exchange about Imperial activity.

He would not tell me where he was. He did not want me involved, it was too dangerous. TOO DANGEROUS!!??!! I was nearly tortured and nearly eaten alive. Dangerous! I don't care! I would have gone anywhere to help him. Faced any danger. Being stuck in Theed wondering where he was... I was helpless. The fear I felt for him was greater than any fear I have ever had, even for myself. I cannot even begin to compare. I cannot even begin to understand what I was feeling or why. How I do feel and why. I kept him talking on the comm, encouraging him to reach Theed. Ensuring him that I would be right here waiting for him. On my word, by his side. "Honour is the Law... love is the Bond." Almost everyone he was with were dead. Eeseefa was with him. They were seperated. I managed to contact Eeseefa, who had escaped to Moenia... also badly wounded.

When Blimey fell off the shuttle at Theed, I could have died for him. He lay there struggling to breathe, bleeding, armour destroyed, wounded so badly that the soaked bandaging was barely holding him together. It was a strange feeling that took over me. I felt... incredibly focused. I helped him up. and got him to the Cantina for some healing. He has incredible inner strength. He sat a moment to collect his thoughts and then Burst Ran to the cantina. I never left his side. And never will. But I also felt... helpless. I knew nothing of healing. and he could not heal himself in this state. this anxiety and fear ... cut deeper than any rape experience, and any torture, and any thing any slaver or hunter had done to me. Those were physical, mental... this... cut emotionally and ... spiritually... on a level I cannot begin to address. I was afraid to lose him as I had ... had lost others...

Honour is the Law...
Love is the Bond...

My spiritual vows have been echoing in my heart. What does this mean?

Bad News & Friendship

As I waited for the ship to take me off Rori, a Trandoshan stepped up next to me. My heart pounded, rage and fear built. They are slavers. Here he was standing in the Rebel Outpost, a slaver by trade. If I could have killed in a single blow, I probably would have without a thought. I asked him what he was doing here. He said he was a slave trader by family trade and told me how he and his family work FOR the Imperials hunting Wookies and such to work as slaves in the Imperial Labour camps. I thought I would completely lose it and kill him. But he went on... and told me how he jad admired the Imperials so much thet he had asked to join them. (Fury) Then how they had laughed at him and insulted him that they would never let a non-human be Imperial, how non-humans were little better than guano (vynock shit). That MAYBE if he were Zabrak he could be fodder in the special forces. (confusion... and then concern... for Blimey) He then told me how he had spent 3 years in the Imperial prison for the beating he gave that officer. (certainty and yet confusion) Now that he has escaped, he works for the rebels doing everything he can to fight the Imperials and the horrors he is now aware that they do.

So now I know for sure that slavers and Imperials DO work together. I also understand why I was looked at oddly if at all when i was at the Imperial Encampment. I confronted Blimey about this over the comm. I think I upset him. I never meant to imply that he was involved directly nor to hold him responsible for these things. I just... I can hardly believe he would want tobe part and parcel of this kind of activity. I value his... company... friendship... too much. He... he even called me his friend. I guess we are not really business partners anymore. I know he would not get involved in such horrible activity. I hope he struggles against it in his own way. But for friendship's sake... I will try to be quiet, and not voice my concerns or opinions.

I was more afraid for him. being Zabrak and in the Special Forces... and referred to as ... fodder. He has a secret mission to go on. I am ... sickeningly worried for him. I have a VERY bad feeling about it.

I know and trust so few people. I do not want to lose him.

Rori & the Bases

Wow... Rori is VERY QUIET!!!

I took the starshit shuttle to the Rebel Outpost Starport. Then I proceded to explore the planet a bit. It is a very hazy planet with sun filtering through permanent scattered couds. The quiet bordered on having gone deaf. It is very quiet... peaceful. I think, if I were ever to own a house... I would want it here. Blimey's guild house is here somewhere. That was a surprising bit of news. As i returned to the Rebel Outpost, I tried talking to various personnel there. There were not too many, a skeleton crew, of mixed races. Most were extremely busy working and said they did not have time wo speak with me, but were polite. I explored the base a bit. Much of their resources are old and rusted. They work with what they can get and are only just now getting some artisans and planetary assistance.

On the base, I met a Zabrak museum scientist who asked if I could reclaim a religious artifact that was stolen from her by some thugs. I did so. Payment was a jar of rare bugs... oh well. Another business woman asked me to escort her partner here from his drop off spot in the jungle. I did so, too. Though discovered Rori was not "uninhabited". I was chased down by Jaxes (look like cats) and a GIANT TURTLE! But I did get him home safe to his partner. Payment was a lousy used ticket. I decided to work on my Polearms skills and did some general hunting in the area. Hunting is actually quite decent. As I left to head out to the Imperial Encampment, I was attacked by brigands and almost killed! I took most of them with me.

The Imperial Encampment was in much better condition. It also was more populated with soldiers and troopers. I noticed that all were human. None would even remotely acknowledge my existance. And those that did, looked at me as they would look at shit on the botom of their boot. WHY?!? Some Zabrak are Imperial. I left... unimpressed.

Stopping at a village along to way back to the Rebel Outpost Starport, I found a merchant with droid customization kits at an amazing price! I picked up a couple for Blimey. He was disappointed the other day when the colour finally faded on CardioThump, his medical droid. I hope he likes them. Supposedly they are not that easy to find.

Naboo-2: Moenia

This is a city for the slightly criminal element of Naboo. It is shrouded in green mist and fog so thick it is like soup. It is built on the relatively firm bits of land in the middle of a swamp. Great place to hide if you need to. Blimey and I have started out here to go to the Narglatch caves. We had gotten caught in the crossfire of an Imperial vs Gungan battle, but escaped unscathed. Well, they were too busy killing each other to care about us. Later I camped alone and Blimey continued hunting.

When I finally got back to Moenia, I found some people nice enough to train me in Trapping and Unarmed Combat. The disturbing news I had heard the other day about the Imperials and slaving still weighed haevy on my thoughts, so... I decided to go to Rori and check out BOTH the Imperial and the Rebel bases there. To see with my own eyes what they do and why.

Saturday, August 28, 2004


Came to Naboo to see Eeseefa's and meet up with Blimey for more hunting. On my way, I saw a jedi padawan! He was "dueling for fun" with people in the starport. It was an impressive display!

I camped and made traps and ... talked... jst sat and talked with Blimey. I asked him about his necklace. He told me a very personal story. I see him now in a very different light. Although I am not sure I am completely comfortable with his choice to be Imperial. He is a good person, despite the terrible things I hear of Imperial activities.

Mind you, I have not heard much about the Rebel Alliance. I know they are struggling to fight against the Imperial Opression. A Rebel contacted me over the comm and told me about how the Imperials advocate and are even involved in the slave trade. This is very disturbing, and I could not get a satisfactory answer out of Blimey over it.

He is going on a Secret Mission ... maybe from the Emperor. I hope it has nothing to do with the terrible news I recently heard. The Imperials have done some good things, but also do many bad things. I will never be Imperial. But I do not think I would dare affiliate with the Rebel Alliance either. If I did... what would happen to mu relationship with Blimey?

At the moment, I think I would dare say that we are... friends, even though he know little about me. If he asked, would I share my history? Dare I be that intimate? I trust him. I trust him a lot. He is a good doctor and the only one I trust to touch me to heal me. But to know what is below the surface.... Why I do not ever get... close... Can I dare to risk that again? Dare I risk myself? Dare i risk him? Well, that is a bridge I will think about crossing when I reach it. I have buried much, including recent events. I am not sure about thinking on them again. And how much can I really trust him with his association to the Empire?

On a different note, We hunted at the Narglatch Caves. It was awesome and challenging and we earned great experience. I am now ready for some training!

Friday, August 27, 2004

Blimey's Gift

I almost forgot... well mentioned how he just seems to give me things with no expectations. Well, he gave me a vibroknuckler to help with my unarmed combat skills. I am not yet certified to use it.... but soon... soon I will be.

Thank you!

He... made me smile while on the hunt... actually a few times. I ... feel normal around him. I don't want what happened to damage my future. Even though it has in some ways and trust needs some rebuilding. Blimey... makes trusting seem so easy. Should I be worried?

Getting back into things

I spent some time relaxing, hunting and camping on Corellia as I got used to my new look and sorted out my head (buried some experiences) and prepared to jump back into things. I even bought myself a new shirt, blue. It is an od but nice feeling to be able to buy something I like, just for me, with creds that I earned on my own.

Blimey invited me out to Dantooine, funding the trip. Even though I told him I would earn it on my own. I do not understand him sometimes. He just... gives things to me. He doesn't even expect anything in return. I don't get it. Well, maybe I do. But why me?
And I nearly called Corellia... "home"...

Anyways, Blimey is a Master Doctor and can now do 3hour buffs and make 1 hour resistance boost against poison and disease. He worked unbelievably hard to reach this. I commend his determinations. I admire him.

I met up with him and Eeseefa, the guy who made the first armor set for me (which I am STILL using). We hunted on Dantooine. WOW. They are tough hunts! I could not have dome these solo, nor unbuffed. Eeseefa also tipped me 15k?!? Why? I earned that much in the hunts on Dantooine. It was more than I could have ever imagined owning... and then he gave me the 15k. Why? I asked him... but he didn't tell me. It was a "fun" and exhausting hunt. After six big missions, I had to take a break. They decided to staop off in a city (Wolf's Den?) as it has an improved job market and do a couple more missions. I hope they fared well just the two of them.

Monday, August 23, 2004

New Look

I got to see the image designer I like. She is Zabrak too, and has good taste. Now I have a new look, with some genetic modifications. I am not completely happy with my choice of Tattoos and may change that again, when I am more patient.

Saturday, August 21, 2004


I hunted lots on that simple hunt... but discovered that the fish I hunted last week didn't keep well. It is fine for making stink traps, but not for eating. I curled up on the floor of Blimey's house and was sick for 2 days from it. Lesson learned.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Simple Day

I am starting to get back into the swing of things. My spiritual mentor once told me that when a tragic event stops you from doing something, you MUST immediately get back into doing it the moment you are physically able to, otherwise fear and other negative/dark forces set in and you will never be able to pick yourself up again.

So, I am back at the grind doing missions and working on building my skills. Only, I am doing so alone. I just cannot seem to get involved with too many people. No crowds... just cannot take that, couldn't take it much before, but really can't now. I wanted to contact some of the few people I had hunted with before... but... well, I hunted alone.

Today, just as I started two missions, Blimey called out for help over the comm! I dropped my missions with quick apologies and dashed for the Mos Eisley Starport. As i got on the shuttle, he informed me that he just barely managed to defeat them. Them being some gang that decided that the front of his house was the best place to set up operation and took offence to him going home. Well, thank the gods he is alright. My heart pounded so hard. When I got to Corellia, we went on a good old fashioned hunt. He needs herbivore meat to make buffs.

Hey... he made Master Doctor last night! I am so proud of him. I hope I can make Master Scout by next week. I hope his guild is equally proud as they demended he do this. he enjoys the hunt so much... I can see that fire light up in his eyes when we hunt together, but I can also see how much of an incredible doctor he really is.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I have to apologize to my clients... and ... friends...

I have the need to hermit for a bit. I need to sort my head a bit before tackling work again. I have not forgotten the hunting assignments. I just need... a bit of time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Safe, Alive... damaged... Healing

As I slipped from my captors yesterday, I overheard them discussing passing me to the Imperial Squad Leader for... I never caught what... instead of my old slave master. He didn't want me anymore, I was no longer the pliable maiden he had. I have regained my Zabrak spirit and fight. Though this has been to my detriment over the past days in captivity.

So, as I slipped out with a comm and my datapad, I passed great lizards called kimogila's on this hot and rocky planet. I was wound and could barely walk. As I rounded a large rock I was attacked my giant spined snakes. A rebel spy was near by and killed them. He then healed me enough for me to run, buffing my energy. He was gentle but not intrusive and told me to run in a particular direction. I tried to use the comm to see if I can reach blimey. My captors... of all horrors, were Zabrak. They were already on my trail. I saw some buildings in the distance. But they caught up to me, the fight was bloody. I was ... broken and bleeding. They were... amuzed. Then a family of Perlek came in and the Zabraks let them at me. I managed to squeeze into a small crag... but the tore at my leg and shoulder and jammed their long claws into my side. I could hardly breathe. On the comm, Blimey sounded as panicked as I felt. My hunters just laughed as the watched. Figuring me to be a final meal. They left. As the sun set and the chill of night set in, the perlek left me, too. Blood... so much blood. Torn up now inside AND out. Could I make it to safety?

I dragged my self to the building in the distance. The comm was so quiet... was it damaged permanently? The building was a starport. Thank gods! I slipped onto the ship among the cargo and landed in Theed on Naboo. The comm worked better there, even though it was soaked with blood. Blimey mentioned he was searching for me on Tattooine, so I slipped in among the cargo of a ship heading for MosEisley. As it took off, Blimey told me to stay in Theed ... that he would come to me. I told him, through gasps of rough painful breaths, that I will be in the MosEisley starport soon. As I wrapped a blanket around my bloody body and crept out into the starport, no one noticed me. I dropped the blanket in the trash. I felt weak... numb... I willed myself to walk through the starport. My focus was to make it to the med centre. Blimey ran right past me in his panic to find me. I fell... and crawled through the empty ticket room. Pulled myself up on against the wall and told Blimey on the comm that was nearly at the starport door. Then he realized he ran past me and headed back. I fell again and was barely able to even crawl to the door. Darkness was falling. Was it night? Why did id fall so fast?

Blimey's voice was in my ear as he directed me to sit and relax. He treated some of my wounds and did a preliminary diagnosis. I could hear the shock in his voice as he told me he had never seen Battle Fatigue at this high a level. Should I be frightened? The slight shake in his voice scared me. But he was steadier with his other instructions. He got me to my feet and walked slowly with me to the canteena. The crowd... I would have bolted if I could! He led me to a quiet corner to sit and relax. There he did a better diagnosis while my Battle Fatigue was healing. He never touched me more than was absolutely necessary. He ... was respectful and sympathetic. I wanted to tell him what had happended. I tried to... but I could not get the words past my throat. The memories... I could still feel them on/in me. How could I tell him? Should I? I ... I just couldn't face it to tell him. I wish I could have died... and ever remember it again. It was worse than all the 17 years I was one man's personal slave. Blimey then led me out of the cantina to sit against the wall while he skillfully healed my wounds with the aid of his trusty medical droid. He suggested going to the lake I mentioned and fishing... quiet, solitude, rest. I checked the bank... and found that the slave who smuggled my things into the account was as good as her word. All my things were there, a bit damaged, but there. Blimey mentioned that I will need to see an Image Designer for a seriously different look. My captors may think I am dead... and we never want that to change.


We went to the lake and I tried my hand at fishing, while he continued crafting his meds. He is a fine doctor. He can cure poison and disease now. It was nice to just listen to the sounds of the wild, fish (though poorly), and watch him craft. When I got too tired, I curled up among the grass and ... wished I could be enfolded in ... his protective arms. But I just couldn't speak that, my courage to be touched only went so far.

I thank him for my life. I owe him, and his friends, my life. He need only ask, and I will be there of my own free will.

Monday, August 16, 2004

What is THAT!?!

I managed to grab my datapad and a commlink and some clothes as I took an opportunity of confusion as my advantage. Supposedly my belongings are in locked in a Bank account on Tattooine. But I... I am nor sure where I am. The bounty Hunters were... not gentle. I ... cannot speak of what they have done....
They were about to deliver me to my Master (old or new I don't know). There were giant lizards when I slipped out the tent flap. The hot desert is VERY rocky.

I tried to contact Blimey... but I am getting only static.

Crap... More hunters... they know I have escaped. OH MY GODS... they are Zabrak. The faces of these Hunters... are Zabrak...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Captured! Afraid! Ashamed...

I am Zabrak. I am FREE. I am a fighter. I should not be afraid!!!

My ex-master's Bounty hunter caught me. I was cornered in Kor Vella. He was not alone. Another one hit me hard with ... I don't know what. I woke here... wherever here is. I have no pack, not weapons, no creds, no armor. Just me skirt and my shirt... and my datapad. I am hoping it is working, as it looks a bit dinged up.

I can taste blood in my mouth. I am sore. I don't want to even look at the bruises.

I am in a small metal cell. I think I am on a ship... but maybe not. Why didn't the Imperial troopers stop them? They were right there watching!

I can hear them... they are speaking Basic. They are going to take my datapad away... and everything else...

I was captured.
I shouldn't be afriad... but I am.
What will they do to me? Will they locate the new friends I made and hurt them too?
I am ashamed of my fear...


...and Blimey comes to mind...

Crap they are here.

Too Close...

Met up with Blimey today and brought him some much needed Herbivore Meat for his medical supplies.

I visited the Image Designer and had some subtle changes made... hope it throws off the bounty hunters.

Went to Kor Vella to check out a set of caves marked as POI on my Corellia map. There were many Imperials roaming the city... and several people trying to kill them! I didn't stick around to find out more. The caves were fascinating, fun fighting... painful... but FUN! When I got back to the Blimey's Med Centre, he healed me. Odd how I feel somewhat safe around him. He is a good and reliable business partner. Should I be wary of this "safe" feeling?

I shoved the thoughts to the back of my mind and followed him to talus where he showed me his new harvesters. Talus reminds me much about Corellia. Well... it rains more on Talus and it has GIANT MUSHROOMS!! Oh, Micro Flora Farms are cute... they contain baby plants inside. I had never seen one before! (so give me a break...) I hope no hunters followed me to Talus. If I even get a sense of one near I would have split from Blimey without a second thought. they are very tough and I do not think either of us, even together, could beat one at the moment. And, I do not want to see him hurt or killed, especially on my account!

Hmm... I tink I am... getting too close with Blimey... too comfortable... I... I want to know more about him. (I dared to ask him about his necklace which he ALWAYS wears, sentimental he said, I left it at that, in case he thinks I am... too interested in him.) I shouldn't be. I... I am dropping this train of writing... AARRGGGHHH~~~

I will go kill stuff... that will get this out of my system... I HOPE!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Bravery & Stupidity

Well, When I got up today and stepped outside of Blimey's house there were Rebels with generators and harvesters to the left a severe infestation of gubbers to the right and dead ahead were a band of thieves and smugglers. The thieves and smugglers were more interested in the Rebels so I left that to each other. I went to take care of the gubber infestation. Damn were they really rooted in! It took me almost 2 hours. I got a lot of experience at it though. So when I dropped into town to see Blimy in the Med Centre for healing I was ready for some training. I got training from someone in front of the starport. Got my healing... but Blimey had another job to run to. So I decided to check out the salon. Hmmm... a new look... well the Force was not with me at this time. The designer was barely a novice and the others were too busy for me. As I stepped out, I ran headlong into the man hunting me! We just stood and stared at each other for a moment. "So... do I be brave and beat the crap out of him and then get knocked flat and dragged back into slavery? That would be really stupid. I ought to run." Those were my instant thoughts. Well I was brave and stupid... a bit. I surprised him with my fighting skills and a well placed knee. He never thought or expected me to be able to fight, especially with me not in armor at the time. As he hit the ground... I RAN! Coronet is a big and busy city, thankfully. I lost him in the crowd of the cantina and then used my skills and natural colour to drop and hide in the bushes of a garder. He passed me by. But that was WAY TOO CLOSE!!! I want to head back yo the safety of the house, but if I move... he will certainly find me. I WILL NOT GO BACK TO THAT LIFE... NEVER!!! DAMMIT!

*never... if it kills me...*

Bounty Hunters

I met up with Malak again last night to go hunting. He has really worked hard on his skills, it really shows. We traveled from MosEisley to Southern Frontier doing missions. That was a ghost town. After checking my datapad and the map, I discovered a tip and some potential news about Anchorhead. So that was our next stop. It was quite busy for a small town. Many locals about. The tip was to check out the man in the pit. So I did. He asked me to take a mission against a Bounty Hunter that was after him. This was an opportunity to see what they are like... to face one. Rhalia was her name and she was VERY tough... much tougher than we thought. After killing her (and dying and cloning ourselves) she too cloned and we faced her again... with little better success. She did not come back to us this time.the man in the pit then gave us Bantha dolls. We saved a few to sell and kept a few as souvenirs. (One I will give as a gift to Blimey for all he has done for me.) He also asked us to deliver one to some monks, which we did and were gifted with a shellfish harvesting tool schematic. I will have to bring this to someone with engineering training to make.

While in Anchorhead, I checked ot the other tips I overheard and confirmed them. They are regarding the Imperial/Rebel factions... but that info will cost you. I was then spotted by the Bounty Hunter sent after me by my ex-master. DAMN. I was sure he would not follow me to Tattooine. So Malak and I hopped a shuttle to Bestine. On the way to do some missions out of Bestine, I saw a museum. We also saw jedi! JEDI!!! They were overtly Rebel... JEDI!!! They are actually REAL!! I saw them with my own eyes. But they were on the run for their own mission and I did not get to talk to them.

Blimey now has many harvesters for his med supplies. But still needs a few more. He asked if we could meet up at his house so he can transfer ownership to me to free up his systems to allow him to have another harvester or two. I was very leary. If I lay roots, I can be found. I will have to face off my Master again soon I think... but I am just not skilled enough to tackle it. Well worried i would get discovered in Bestine and not wanting young Malek in any further danger, I grabbed a starship to Blimey's house (no amount of money will convince me to divulge its exact location).

Blimey saw another Image Designer... I think he is becoming an addict... hehe... He RAELLY looks different. Good... but different. Hmmm... that gives me an idea... maybe if I change my look, I will be able to shake the hunter on my tail? I will meditate on this possibility. I hid in Blimey's very empty house. He set the security system on it as he arrived and showed me how to use it. I am safe while in here. I just can't stay here exclusively. The house is empty. Tho, this emptiness was... relaxing. Very relaxing. Blimey managed to make me smile... I can't even remember over what. And he gave me a skirt. He wanted to wear it... but couldn't. It just was not designed unisexually. He looks good in skirts and informed me that he is comfortable in his manhood that a skirt will not interfere with it. Anyways, he gave me the skirt. It is all black and look decent on me. I had not worn a skirt since I was a slave. But this skirt was not the flimsy kind of stuff I was forced to wear. It was a full length and very heavey leather-belted black skirt. Thank you Blimey.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Distance and Solitude

I am back to hunting on Tattooine. It is familiar. Mos Eisley is busy, maybe too busy. I think later tonight I will head out to another town. I will grab some missions along the way, just to make it worthwhile.

Coronet - 4 - then left


I waterlogged both my bikes trying to take them across the sea to Vreni Island and got stuck swimming the rest of the way. I was SOAKED and irritable. Good think I still remembered how to swim. And good thing that my recent training meant I had the stamina for a long swim, despite the wounds left by the disease I had yesterday. Thankfully the beach has soft sand where I dried off and cleared the water from the bikes.

Vreni Island was... quiet as a ghost town. A few locals and Corsec officers roamed ... but very few. Saw the Outside Grand Theatre POI. Interesting. Although how anyone can be heard over the fountain there I do not know. Grabbed a shuttle this time and left.

Bela Vistal was my next stop. It to was quiet. However, Corsec officers raomed about lots. They seemed to make up the majority of the population. So, I guess criminals avoid this place! The Crystal Fountain POI in Bela Vistal was not anything exciting. Grabbed a shuttle back to Coronet.

Coronet was kind of quiet except in the starport. Someone was kind enough to train my unarmed skills for free there.

NEWS: Dathomir Avian Meat is the top meat for making buffs at the moment and is selling for 177cpu!

DAMN!! I wish I had enough money to travel there! I would hunt for that!

Instead I stood in the rain waiting for the starship back to tattooine. Good thing too. One of my masters minions was tailing me! I got on the shuttle and it left just as he came into the starport. back on Tattooine, I crashed in the med centre to rest and heal. I wonder if Blimey's rounds will bring him here again. I hope I have lost the guy hunting me.

Coronet - 3

Today I ventured to the outskirts of Coronet to explore a bit and to hunt. hunting alone is comforting. I do not have to worry about people invading my space, prying, or touching me. It is safe.... I discovered that the creatures hanging around the city are easy to hunt. Durni's are a challenge at the moment, but everything else is very very easy. Corellia has attack butterflies! I worked on my unarmed fighting and more of my scouting. After a while, I discovered... I was ... kind of lonely. Even as a slave, I was never completely alone (especially after my first few escape attempts).

I am amazed that Blimey actually reads this journal. AND COMMENTS! Perhaps I should be more guarded about what I write. Or not. I got to learn a bit about him. It helps me understand and respect him and his choices. My choices are in my heart, safe behind stone walls.

I never got to check out the Points of Interest today. I chose to do 2 missions instead, to see what missions were like on this planet. Not much different than any other, just different critters. Blimey called me on the comm. He earned himself his own (not belonging to his guild) house. He gave me the coordinates and said it would be a good place for me to drop off supplies and resources for him when he is not around. The hospital rounds are keeping him very busy. Today he took a break from them to establish his new house. My missions were on the way to his house. And right next to free land where many houses and vendors and shops were set up. (it would be nice one day to have a house of my own. But that would mean laying down roots and potentially being found and enslaved again.

My day went from lonely to sourly annoying. My first mission was against diseased velts. i got diseased. There were so many of them. I was sick, hurt, and overwhelmed. Not that any one of them was difficult alone, but many of them, was too many, especially when diseased myself. Sitting in my camp, shivering from the disease, I struggled to craft more camp kits and traps. I was barely able to do so. Blimey came to assist me. He healed what he could, but couldn't heal the disease. I was goign to be a good bit of practice experience for him as I strive to do my missions despite the disease. He kept up with the heals, and when I got too run down, he took over the fight.

Once done we went to his new house. He seems so proud to own it. it sounds almost like he is a slave to his guild. Well, maybe more like a neglected member with obligations. If you want to know where this new house is, you will have to ask him. I have been entrusted with it and even set on the admin list for it. He is honouring me with the freedom (wow, the freedom) to use is when ever, if ever I need to. I sat there on the floor of the new smelling empty first room shivering from the damnable disease. He got me hot tea and sat with me and healed me as much as he could till the disease finally subsided. I stepped out into the evening as he was about to get himself some sleep before a long day of more hospital rounds. I was going to check out the POI's.. and it started to rain. Lovely. Not. Oh well, I crashed with my bedroll on his floor instead.

Laying there I pondered...
I tried to remember what it was like in the monestary when I was a teen. That was so long ago. Much of it is hazey save for a for key moments. My thoughts drifted to my time in slavery... and my mood fouled. I had heard that my old master had actualy survived my attack. I was so sure he had died. Maybe he was cloned. DAMN. I also heard that he had hunters after me. Hopefully they will not find me. I should make my stay on Corellia short and get myself back to that distant dust rock called Tattooine. he likely would not expect to find me there. I was never raised to be a fighter. Why would I ever let mys "soft self" endure such a harsh environment. he will likely hunt for me here on Corellia. I should keep more distance from Blimey. I do not want to get him mixed up in this. It is too risky. I have come to respect him... even like him. he is a reliable business partner and fighting comrad. I always feel he wants to be closer. But... that would put him in danger now.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Coronet - 2

Today I woke really late. I must have fallen asleep in the med centre.

As I was roaming the city, I met a Selonian. His name was Kirkin. Strange creature. Very noble, and very traditional and diplomatic. He asked if I could find his sept mate and bring her to him. What is a sept mate? Is that like a wife? Or a comrad? I did so and earned 75 creds. I would have done it for free. She was being attacked by thugs and had no way of defending herself. Well, I taught the thug a lesson.

I have decided I like the look and feel of this planet. I am going to check out three of the Points of Interest before I return to Tattooine.

Coronet - 1

Last time i was at Coronet, I was a slave. I was not permitted to lift my eyes. Blimey invited me to visit him in the Med centre there. I cashed in all my funds and went. Why? I did so without a second thought. Why? (*still me meditations reveal nothing to me on him.) Well, This time, I looked up! And wow! I stood still for so long it annoyed people. I was awed at the sight of the matropolis and the tall buildings! Wow... If only my comm wasn't acting up...

I was so exausted from the previous night's hunting. So I just sat and watched Blimey work. It was relaxing. He became frustrated at one point when another doctor would not give him a chance to practice. So I offered to duel him as I knew he would knock me flat... but then he could practice healing me. Did I just agree to that!?! I guess I do trust him. But we hardly know each other. How can I trust him? It is just... a feeling... Sounds silly. Afterwards I crafted some traps to try hunting on this planet (later). I also explored the map and discovered a "salon" in the city. What was that? So I went to see. It was a tent. Inside I found a Zabrak, Ayrizale, who is a master Image Designer. We talked a bit. She can change a persons looks and body. She refined my form slightly for free. I was honored. I have been discovering so many Zabrak around these days!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Long Bloody Night

I wanted my own damned speeder bike. I was determined to stay up as long as I had to to earn the creds to get it! I also heard that if i could find a vehicle customization kit, I could paint it.

I am already amazed. I actually OWN things... That are MINE. The armor is mine. I earned. I bought my own armor and back packs. My very own. Wow. And no one will take them from me. Eeseefa had my armor ready for me. Ubese armor. It is all black and looks fantastic. I am proud of my accomplishments. I will hunt more hides for him as I got the better end of the deal and he gave me more armor than my wooly hides (given to him yesterday) could have produced. I came across someone very new, like I was a few days ago. I gave him the free armor I got with my first backpack. *shrug* They needed it, I didn't, I had better.

I am starting to make a business, earning my own keep, by hunting. The missions are a learning experience. I am also learning my limits. I took two level 13 missions for 1.6k creds each. They were WAY to difficult for me to handle alone. They were against Eopie, which I can get milk from by the way! Unfortunately, I had to forfeit on these two missions and break the contracts. I am so ashamed and embarrassed... I should have known I was not ready for them. I will have to work extra hard and earn back the trust. Although it seems that the folks that put their missions requests into the terminal, do not seem to care who takes them. I hope someone picks up those missions that I dropped, so the folks are not left hanging. I am now a better judge of what I can handle and what I cannot.

I met a young Zabrak, just a kid... With a LONG name...I will call him Malek for short. He was too young really to be on his own. But on his own he was. So I took him under my wing for the night. I taught him everything I know so far about being a scout, crafting supplies, hunting strategy. We did many missions together last night. It was a LONG night. The last mission was mine and was MUCH tougher than it should have been. I chose a level 8 mission but these thugs, Valerian's Thugs, were exceptionally difficult. We tried to draw them into the Imperial squad that was nearby, but the Imperials were USELESS and did nothing to help us. After 2 hours of trying to kill these thugs, we were spent in all ways and nearly dead, making this the LONGEST day I have had since I claimed my freedom. Two men, Idwayn (Zabrak: Carboneer) and Ludo (Human: Scout/medic) were doing missions next to our last nasty mission. I worked up courage and humility and asked them for their help. We then helped them with their missions. Idwayn is an amazing shot!! Two shots and his target is dead! I still prefer to look my enemy in the eye when I kill it. The kid was so excited he bounced around and danced and jumped... Kids. He then learned a very hard lesson from me. In his excitement, he bounced over and kissed me. Well, I stood up and reprimanded him severely and challenged him to a duel. It nearly scared him to death.

No one touches me. NO ONE!


Well all was well just the same and the teen Zabrak was more somber. By the end of helping with other missions, I had FINALLY earned enough to get my bike. So that is what I did. I went and bought my speeder bike from JeanLuc's vendor. He even had a vehicle customization kit. Bonus! I promptly painted my bike. My bike... wow... I own it. I earned the funds on my own, paid for it on my own... And it is mine and not some master's.

Blimey and I spoke a little on the comm... But we were both too busy to get together. He is now a Master Medic. I smile for him. He worked hard for it. Long and hard. I hope the Imperial Special Forces honor him with the conviction he put into becoming what they wanted/needed him to.

Makes me wonder sometimes... What is going on with this war? Imperial versus Rebel.

Friday, August 06, 2004


We crossed paths again today! My meditations have revealed nothing at this time. Maybe it is a test of trust? I wish I knew...

We went hunting today... hunting slavers... it was good.

I got killed by Rock Beetles. Warning, the bugs swarm on you. And had to save Blimey's ass from a giant nasty rat. That was a close call for me too. I led the rat away some distance and got it lost, then returned to his side. He lived. I cannot heal, he is the healer. Strange to see a fighter in that role.

Strange how my aspirations have changed. When I was young, all I ever wanted to be was a healer. Not now. I am a hunter.

When I returned to the med centre (like it was a base of operations... feels that way), I met up with Eeseefra, a friend of Blimey's, who will be making Ubese armor for me. I traded him my 370 units of Endor wooly hide. He will trade me the armor as soon as he has it made. He also informed me that Banthas give wooly hide here, but the leather is becoming more available.

I will rest in the med centre a while. Back at the hunt later tonight.

Touched *grrr*

I was so shocked that I could not move and shoved the experience to the back of my mind and so did not write it in the datapad yesterday (this morning?).

JeanLuc will be making a speeder bike for me for 14k. Upon leaving his place, he suddenly reached out and hugged me! I was so stunned I didn't know whether to kill him or run. He apologized immediately with great confusion. He believes this is normal behavior. Maybe it is just that he is from another galaxy. Maybe it is my own personal past experiences.

For future reference... DO NOT TOUCH ME!!!


Well this was partly a foolish experience. I was tediously hunting for Blimey when I came across and small group of houses. One had a great vendor with lots of armor. Another had a vendor with some vehicles. When I went to atack the Jabba Swoopers (a gang of thugs that invaded the small village), I was assisted my a human, names JeanLuc Picard. He lives in one of the houses and also has a vendor with all kinds of stuff. I bought a fishing pole to try that for earning some survival experience. He is from another galaxy and through some sort of galactic accident, ended up here. He is a captain of a ship, but it was destroyed. There was another human in his house who seemed very polite. We hunted together a bit.

On our way back to Mos Eisley, we cam across pirates. We fought then they surrendered. The human sat to heal himself while I spoke to the pirates. I must have said something wrong, because I angered them immensely and the killed me. I cloned in the Mos Eisley cloning facility. I still don't know what I said that made them so angry.

The human man, met up with me again and invited me to hunt on Endor. I had heard Endor was a tough planet. But the opportunity to try to "fit in" and learn to hunt with a group was too good to pass up. The trip was VERY expensive. So if you ever consider going, it is more than 2k creds one way! I earned back what I spent and gain MUCH experience. The people I hunted with trained me as we hunted. They all used large animals in the fight. Pets. WOW! I harvested along the way. I survived only a couple missions before I died and was cloned. Endor is a very tough planet! So I returned to Mos Eisley for "safer" hunting. I finished my training there and went to the med centre to heal from my wounds. Blimey was there!

You see! Somehow there is an incredibly strong connection. We traveled together out of town where I could practice crafting camp kits and traps and setting up and taking down camps (which I did with some success and some failure). He busily crafted medical supplies. His guild is not doing so well. They are a spall Imperial guild city planeted in the middle surrounded by 4 Rebel cities. Not wise planning. They are nearly wiped out. I wonder what he is going to do? Well, we sat and crafted together. It was... not unpleasant. He is fine to watch. He is fine to speak with. He never pressures or pushes or pries, like the curious humans. Then again, he is Zabrak.

Human Curiosity

Damn!! Humans are curious!! Chadek Ordo asks many questions and challenges everything I am vague about. Why are humans so damnably curious? My secrets are my own! why does he want to know me. This makes me very suspicious. I will be friendly but cautious.

Blimey and I keep crossing paths. It is like some invisible keeps drawing us together. For what?
I will meditate on this...

Humans and Honor

Well today has been interesting. While hunting, I met a human. He was an older man from the Ordo Bounty Hunter clan. He has spent the last 20 years as a POW (prisoner of war). He had fought Zabrak. I didn't trust him. So I dueled him to test his honor. I lost. But it was a good fight... and he fought with honor. I will remember him. We have both had tough lives in the past years. Trust is not an easy thing. I am discovering slowly that Zabrak and Wookies are not the only sentient beings with honor.

I continue to hunt for Blimey. His order is time consuming. Maybe he will buy it in chunks? i have not found any herbivore meat or wooly hide on my hunts so far on Tattooine. i will offer him what I have found. He emailed me a request for eggs as well. So now I add nest stealing to each hunt mission. I am beginning to wish I never knew what went into meds! It is worse than sausages!!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Fighting in sneakers... bad idea...

Today I went hunting with Blimey. His guild needs a doctor, so he took up medic and needed help with resources. So we hunted together. I gathered hides and meats and we earned some creds together. He healed me as I fought and jumped in when I really needed a hand. He is very skilled at fighting and kills critters quickly. I am slow as I learn my skills. His healing me helped him learn his medic skills. I will hunt 1k meat and 1k leathey hides for him for his meds. We met more Zabraks in the med centre (on Tattooine in Mos Eisley). Eeseefa was his name. He is an armoursmith and will make armour for me. I will hunt hides for him too. I watched him kill a rebel in the met centre. He used a big ass hammer. I feel that many folks either lean toward the Imperial faction or they just really dislike the rebels. There seems to be many Imperials wherever I go. I also watched other dueling in different places. I learned where I can heal my body (med centre) and my mind (cantina) and that fighting causes battle fatigue that makes it harder to fight. I was never expected to fight before, as a slave. Now I am learning it is a must. Everyone keeps asking me if I amd Rebel or Imperial. It isn't any of their business which. When I make that decision... if I make that decision, it is my business and mine alone.

I bought a backpack at last. It contained Mabari armour. Not great Mabari armour, but better than nothing. Especially after fighting in my sneakers all day... and suffering for it... and being teased by Blimey for it. I liked the boots, body armour, and gloves. The Ubese armour pants I bought yesterday are better quality, so I will use them. I dislike the Mabari helm. Eeseefra is going to make Ubese armour for me. Soon I will be a good fighter and hunter. Eeseefra gave me 10k creds for some reason. I am grateful. It helped me buy the temporary armour and the backpack. I needed the packpack to sort my gear. I want another pack, so I can have one for harvested stuffs and one for personal stuffs.

I learned Wookie language today and taught Zabrak to a Wookie. I also taught Trapping 1 to some folks. I did not charge them. I was once helped for free, I can at least return the favor... carried forward.

Time for sleep. Zabrak are tough, but we need sleep too.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Travel Experience

When I first arrived by starship in Mos Eisley, I felt very lost. The buildings are crowded and all sand/mud-hut style. There were many people. However, the people are a mix of new folks of all races and people with experience willing to help new arrivals become acquainted. Mos Eisley is also full of criminals, so be careful.

Once I figured out how to use the free travel vouvher I received from a mission, I traveled by starship (with return ticket to Mos Eisley) to Theed Namoo. I thought Mos Eisley was busy! Theed is a HUGE metropolis. Also crowded, but not so friendly or helpful. There was also a booth with Imerial recruiters. The starport is an amazing site, though! Enormous bays with many starships. No waiting for a ship there.


I have learned that in this free world their are factions, groups, organizations, and guilds. The main folks at war across this galaxy are the Imperial Army (which everyone is familiar with, mostly) and the Rebel Alliance. There seem to be crime groups (Desert Deamons, Spice Fiends, Jabba's men) and other city groups. People also seem to have organizations and guilds, like business employees or families. Vong belongs to WoW (War on Worlds) and Blimey belongs to ISF (Imperial Special Forces).

I am not ready for that. I will not be enslaved into any group.

Trip to Naboo

I was invited to a city on Naboo, whose name I have already forgotten. A man with a spiritual connection to me hunted me down. Spiritual tag is always a fun game.

Well, Naboo is very beautiful, very green. The creatures are tougher. The missions are far away from the city. I have discovered that I really need to save for a vehicle. So, i chose 2 missions from Theed and began a hunt. I met the spirit hunter on the way. His name is Blimey. I was surprized to discover he was Zabrak like me! The universe called something... the connection is strong. But who is he? Can he be trusted? He checked me out, and sized me up. I will be cautious. I will not be anyone's slave ever again. We hunted together. I learned much and earned another scouting skill. maybe will will hunt together again. the company was... not unpleasant.

I have just returned to Tattooine to heal in the medical centre. I am more familiar with the dust of this planet. I will train further here before venturing elsewhere.

I now have 3 people on my list of "friends"... those who have helped me in some way.

I promised Vong I would visit his city. I feel bad for not completing that while I was on Naboo. I have not forgotten it. I will return and visit. I never break a promise or contract unless the break occured by the other party first.

I am ice and stone. I am fire and steel. I am strong of will. I know my path and will walk it proudly.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Imperial Army in Mos Eisley

An army of Imperials with an ATST marcher through Mos Eisley today searching folks and trying to recruit new members.

I declined, they said they would watch me.

I have a "cat-and-mouse" tag game to play later tonight...


I have seved as a slave now for 17 years. My opportunity arrived! I killed the vile creature who was my master. I knew he would become complacent. His tough shit. I stole some things from him and managed to get a flight into Mos Eisley, Tattooine... far from everything!


So, here I am. Newly arrived and lost as can be. Trusting few but ... in need. A seemingly kind human, Vong, took me under his wing for the evening and helped me get basically familar with my newfound freedom. I am deeply indebted to him. He too has secrets. Don't we all.

I took vows in the monestary:
To be true to my word, true to my path, and true to myself.
Honour is the Law, Love is the Bond.

Now to walk this new path... alone...
None will get that close to me again. None will will be violating. I will hunt all slavers whenever I encounter them. FREEDOM!!!