Sunday, August 29, 2004

Rori & the Bases

Wow... Rori is VERY QUIET!!!

I took the starshit shuttle to the Rebel Outpost Starport. Then I proceded to explore the planet a bit. It is a very hazy planet with sun filtering through permanent scattered couds. The quiet bordered on having gone deaf. It is very quiet... peaceful. I think, if I were ever to own a house... I would want it here. Blimey's guild house is here somewhere. That was a surprising bit of news. As i returned to the Rebel Outpost, I tried talking to various personnel there. There were not too many, a skeleton crew, of mixed races. Most were extremely busy working and said they did not have time wo speak with me, but were polite. I explored the base a bit. Much of their resources are old and rusted. They work with what they can get and are only just now getting some artisans and planetary assistance.

On the base, I met a Zabrak museum scientist who asked if I could reclaim a religious artifact that was stolen from her by some thugs. I did so. Payment was a jar of rare bugs... oh well. Another business woman asked me to escort her partner here from his drop off spot in the jungle. I did so, too. Though discovered Rori was not "uninhabited". I was chased down by Jaxes (look like cats) and a GIANT TURTLE! But I did get him home safe to his partner. Payment was a lousy used ticket. I decided to work on my Polearms skills and did some general hunting in the area. Hunting is actually quite decent. As I left to head out to the Imperial Encampment, I was attacked by brigands and almost killed! I took most of them with me.

The Imperial Encampment was in much better condition. It also was more populated with soldiers and troopers. I noticed that all were human. None would even remotely acknowledge my existance. And those that did, looked at me as they would look at shit on the botom of their boot. WHY?!? Some Zabrak are Imperial. I left... unimpressed.

Stopping at a village along to way back to the Rebel Outpost Starport, I found a merchant with droid customization kits at an amazing price! I picked up a couple for Blimey. He was disappointed the other day when the colour finally faded on CardioThump, his medical droid. I hope he likes them. Supposedly they are not that easy to find.


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