Tuesday, August 03, 2004


I have seved as a slave now for 17 years. My opportunity arrived! I killed the vile creature who was my master. I knew he would become complacent. His tough shit. I stole some things from him and managed to get a flight into Mos Eisley, Tattooine... far from everything!


So, here I am. Newly arrived and lost as can be. Trusting few but ... in need. A seemingly kind human, Vong, took me under his wing for the evening and helped me get basically familar with my newfound freedom. I am deeply indebted to him. He too has secrets. Don't we all.

I took vows in the monestary:
To be true to my word, true to my path, and true to myself.
Honour is the Law, Love is the Bond.

Now to walk this new path... alone...
None will get that close to me again. None will will be violating. I will hunt all slavers whenever I encounter them. FREEDOM!!!


Blogger scarletcougar said...

testing the datapad comment system

10:55 AM  

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