Thursday, August 05, 2004

Fighting in sneakers... bad idea...

Today I went hunting with Blimey. His guild needs a doctor, so he took up medic and needed help with resources. So we hunted together. I gathered hides and meats and we earned some creds together. He healed me as I fought and jumped in when I really needed a hand. He is very skilled at fighting and kills critters quickly. I am slow as I learn my skills. His healing me helped him learn his medic skills. I will hunt 1k meat and 1k leathey hides for him for his meds. We met more Zabraks in the med centre (on Tattooine in Mos Eisley). Eeseefa was his name. He is an armoursmith and will make armour for me. I will hunt hides for him too. I watched him kill a rebel in the met centre. He used a big ass hammer. I feel that many folks either lean toward the Imperial faction or they just really dislike the rebels. There seems to be many Imperials wherever I go. I also watched other dueling in different places. I learned where I can heal my body (med centre) and my mind (cantina) and that fighting causes battle fatigue that makes it harder to fight. I was never expected to fight before, as a slave. Now I am learning it is a must. Everyone keeps asking me if I amd Rebel or Imperial. It isn't any of their business which. When I make that decision... if I make that decision, it is my business and mine alone.

I bought a backpack at last. It contained Mabari armour. Not great Mabari armour, but better than nothing. Especially after fighting in my sneakers all day... and suffering for it... and being teased by Blimey for it. I liked the boots, body armour, and gloves. The Ubese armour pants I bought yesterday are better quality, so I will use them. I dislike the Mabari helm. Eeseefra is going to make Ubese armour for me. Soon I will be a good fighter and hunter. Eeseefra gave me 10k creds for some reason. I am grateful. It helped me buy the temporary armour and the backpack. I needed the packpack to sort my gear. I want another pack, so I can have one for harvested stuffs and one for personal stuffs.

I learned Wookie language today and taught Zabrak to a Wookie. I also taught Trapping 1 to some folks. I did not charge them. I was once helped for free, I can at least return the favor... carried forward.

Time for sleep. Zabrak are tough, but we need sleep too.


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