Saturday, August 07, 2004

Long Bloody Night

I wanted my own damned speeder bike. I was determined to stay up as long as I had to to earn the creds to get it! I also heard that if i could find a vehicle customization kit, I could paint it.

I am already amazed. I actually OWN things... That are MINE. The armor is mine. I earned. I bought my own armor and back packs. My very own. Wow. And no one will take them from me. Eeseefa had my armor ready for me. Ubese armor. It is all black and looks fantastic. I am proud of my accomplishments. I will hunt more hides for him as I got the better end of the deal and he gave me more armor than my wooly hides (given to him yesterday) could have produced. I came across someone very new, like I was a few days ago. I gave him the free armor I got with my first backpack. *shrug* They needed it, I didn't, I had better.

I am starting to make a business, earning my own keep, by hunting. The missions are a learning experience. I am also learning my limits. I took two level 13 missions for 1.6k creds each. They were WAY to difficult for me to handle alone. They were against Eopie, which I can get milk from by the way! Unfortunately, I had to forfeit on these two missions and break the contracts. I am so ashamed and embarrassed... I should have known I was not ready for them. I will have to work extra hard and earn back the trust. Although it seems that the folks that put their missions requests into the terminal, do not seem to care who takes them. I hope someone picks up those missions that I dropped, so the folks are not left hanging. I am now a better judge of what I can handle and what I cannot.

I met a young Zabrak, just a kid... With a LONG name...I will call him Malek for short. He was too young really to be on his own. But on his own he was. So I took him under my wing for the night. I taught him everything I know so far about being a scout, crafting supplies, hunting strategy. We did many missions together last night. It was a LONG night. The last mission was mine and was MUCH tougher than it should have been. I chose a level 8 mission but these thugs, Valerian's Thugs, were exceptionally difficult. We tried to draw them into the Imperial squad that was nearby, but the Imperials were USELESS and did nothing to help us. After 2 hours of trying to kill these thugs, we were spent in all ways and nearly dead, making this the LONGEST day I have had since I claimed my freedom. Two men, Idwayn (Zabrak: Carboneer) and Ludo (Human: Scout/medic) were doing missions next to our last nasty mission. I worked up courage and humility and asked them for their help. We then helped them with their missions. Idwayn is an amazing shot!! Two shots and his target is dead! I still prefer to look my enemy in the eye when I kill it. The kid was so excited he bounced around and danced and jumped... Kids. He then learned a very hard lesson from me. In his excitement, he bounced over and kissed me. Well, I stood up and reprimanded him severely and challenged him to a duel. It nearly scared him to death.

No one touches me. NO ONE!


Well all was well just the same and the teen Zabrak was more somber. By the end of helping with other missions, I had FINALLY earned enough to get my bike. So that is what I did. I went and bought my speeder bike from JeanLuc's vendor. He even had a vehicle customization kit. Bonus! I promptly painted my bike. My bike... wow... I own it. I earned the funds on my own, paid for it on my own... And it is mine and not some master's.

Blimey and I spoke a little on the comm... But we were both too busy to get together. He is now a Master Medic. I smile for him. He worked hard for it. Long and hard. I hope the Imperial Special Forces honor him with the conviction he put into becoming what they wanted/needed him to.

Makes me wonder sometimes... What is going on with this war? Imperial versus Rebel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*Notes from Dr. Blimey Onion's personal log*
Scar'let has come far from when I first met her. Things are well for me but money is tight, and desperatly needed as training is very expensive. I have since advanced to Novice Doctor and have been terribly busy making rounds at the hospital. It seems an Interns work is never done. But that is the price of becoming a Doctor and learning your specialization. As to my guild I have heard nothing. I continually get emails saying this or that person has left the guild. Ten in the last week. I ran into a fellow member, Shicoss an Image designer/pistoleer yesterday and she told me she was looking for a new guild. I told her to let me know how she does.

I would like to say a few words about the faction wars now. Ever since I was old enough my father told me stories of his days as an Imperial Storm Trooper. They were always stories filled with adventure, narrow escapes, and massive battles on different worlds. He came back and retired after 23 long years in the service of the Empire. His body was broken from the damage he had sustained from all of the fighting, yet he still carries a happy demeanor. I have always wanted to follow in his foot steps. But I never liked to see him in pain. This is why I chose to become an Imperial.

I went out into the galaxy in pursuit of becoming the ultimate warrior. But I was requested by my guild to try a support role. I was completely humiliated being requested to do a desk job. But it seems life has a bit of irony in it after all. Now as a Doctor I bring relief to those in need, and through this it quiets the inner pain as I watch from a afar my father limping slightly from the shrapnel wound two decades ago. This is interesting because as a boy I never wanted to deal anything but death to the infidels. Humility and hubris run in massive circles in the world of PvP. Maybe my being forced into this job is a good thing afterall. My professor says that I am still young and that I will soon grow out of my spirit for fighting. I dont think I will. I will continue my fencing training, I dont ever want to be caught off guard. But I will also listen to him, he is old and very wise. I have learned a great deal from him.

I have seen the fight back and forth from both Imperial and Rebel. I am constantly badgered by both sides in my own clinic. Yesterday, an overt Imp failed to let me know his status. Once I healed him I was automatically discovered as a covert Imperial! I was vunerable to attack in a place of healing! I was challenged several times and I pleaded to the overt imp not to come in if they are TEF. He was completely rude in his comments, and shared no care for his fellow patriots. I told him to remember my name, that he would see me again someday. Unfortunatley, I have found insulance and disdain for life in at least 1/3 of the Imperials I do business with.

My point. I do not mind fighting for a cause, as long as the people u fight with share civility amongst each other. I have not seen this as a prevelant concern with Imperial soldiers. As a result, I am considering removing myself from this factions standing. Becoming neutral as I continue observing. I may never fight along either side. But I will fight for my own honor.

I am glad to see that Scar'let came all the way to corellia to visit me in the clinic. I know her training and work keep her very busy, and was happy to see her take a small break from it. She seems stressed to me sometimes. Always with a silent anger on her shoulder as she sets about her tasks. I wonder sometimes how bad the slavers were to her. It is something she will work out as time moves on. She has told me of her wishes to become a great Ranger some day. A truly honorable profession. And one suited for a silent loner such as herself. I wish her luck in her quest. And somewhere inside of me, I wonder if we will ever be good friends instead of just business partners...
Time will tell.

12:45 PM  

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