Sunday, August 29, 2004

Yavin 4

Once Blimey and Eeseefa were healed and all in Theed. MUCH to my relief. They commenced joking. I gave Eeseefa my extra Ubese armor pants as he was in his Baggy Whites with no clothes. The armor he did have was mostly broken. Men destress by joking. Nut-Huggers... damn... that is funny. I am glad none were wearing "nut-huggers" instead of baggy whites. They were up for more! More fighting! The Zabrak spirit. I do the same, I guess. And besides, Eeseefa needed hides and meat to make more armor.

So Blimey got together some buffs and buffed us all. The we traveled to Yavin 4 to see what the hunting was like there. Hunting was good, experience was great, but the resources were crappy as far as quality. Must be the off season. they kept at it even after I crashed in my camp for the night. Adrenalin I guess.

I am glad they are both alive, especially Blimey. Still feel like it is my fault for not trying to warn him. I could almost... hug him... for being alive. But I won't. he wouldn't understand. Neither would I.


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