Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Safe, Alive... damaged... Healing

As I slipped from my captors yesterday, I overheard them discussing passing me to the Imperial Squad Leader for... I never caught what... instead of my old slave master. He didn't want me anymore, I was no longer the pliable maiden he had. I have regained my Zabrak spirit and fight. Though this has been to my detriment over the past days in captivity.

So, as I slipped out with a comm and my datapad, I passed great lizards called kimogila's on this hot and rocky planet. I was wound and could barely walk. As I rounded a large rock I was attacked my giant spined snakes. A rebel spy was near by and killed them. He then healed me enough for me to run, buffing my energy. He was gentle but not intrusive and told me to run in a particular direction. I tried to use the comm to see if I can reach blimey. My captors... of all horrors, were Zabrak. They were already on my trail. I saw some buildings in the distance. But they caught up to me, the fight was bloody. I was ... broken and bleeding. They were... amuzed. Then a family of Perlek came in and the Zabraks let them at me. I managed to squeeze into a small crag... but the tore at my leg and shoulder and jammed their long claws into my side. I could hardly breathe. On the comm, Blimey sounded as panicked as I felt. My hunters just laughed as the watched. Figuring me to be a final meal. They left. As the sun set and the chill of night set in, the perlek left me, too. Blood... so much blood. Torn up now inside AND out. Could I make it to safety?

I dragged my self to the building in the distance. The comm was so quiet... was it damaged permanently? The building was a starport. Thank gods! I slipped onto the ship among the cargo and landed in Theed on Naboo. The comm worked better there, even though it was soaked with blood. Blimey mentioned he was searching for me on Tattooine, so I slipped in among the cargo of a ship heading for MosEisley. As it took off, Blimey told me to stay in Theed ... that he would come to me. I told him, through gasps of rough painful breaths, that I will be in the MosEisley starport soon. As I wrapped a blanket around my bloody body and crept out into the starport, no one noticed me. I dropped the blanket in the trash. I felt weak... numb... I willed myself to walk through the starport. My focus was to make it to the med centre. Blimey ran right past me in his panic to find me. I fell... and crawled through the empty ticket room. Pulled myself up on against the wall and told Blimey on the comm that was nearly at the starport door. Then he realized he ran past me and headed back. I fell again and was barely able to even crawl to the door. Darkness was falling. Was it night? Why did id fall so fast?

Blimey's voice was in my ear as he directed me to sit and relax. He treated some of my wounds and did a preliminary diagnosis. I could hear the shock in his voice as he told me he had never seen Battle Fatigue at this high a level. Should I be frightened? The slight shake in his voice scared me. But he was steadier with his other instructions. He got me to my feet and walked slowly with me to the canteena. The crowd... I would have bolted if I could! He led me to a quiet corner to sit and relax. There he did a better diagnosis while my Battle Fatigue was healing. He never touched me more than was absolutely necessary. He ... was respectful and sympathetic. I wanted to tell him what had happended. I tried to... but I could not get the words past my throat. The memories... I could still feel them on/in me. How could I tell him? Should I? I ... I just couldn't face it to tell him. I wish I could have died... and ever remember it again. It was worse than all the 17 years I was one man's personal slave. Blimey then led me out of the cantina to sit against the wall while he skillfully healed my wounds with the aid of his trusty medical droid. He suggested going to the lake I mentioned and fishing... quiet, solitude, rest. I checked the bank... and found that the slave who smuggled my things into the account was as good as her word. All my things were there, a bit damaged, but there. Blimey mentioned that I will need to see an Image Designer for a seriously different look. My captors may think I am dead... and we never want that to change.


We went to the lake and I tried my hand at fishing, while he continued crafting his meds. He is a fine doctor. He can cure poison and disease now. It was nice to just listen to the sounds of the wild, fish (though poorly), and watch him craft. When I got too tired, I curled up among the grass and ... wished I could be enfolded in ... his protective arms. But I just couldn't speak that, my courage to be touched only went so far.

I thank him for my life. I owe him, and his friends, my life. He need only ask, and I will be there of my own free will.


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