Thursday, January 27, 2005

A Favor

I woke... well... ok, some discomfort... but otherwise, well. I woke to Max... watching me for a change. *blushing smile* I felt the colour flush my cheeks. I am not sure why. In some ways, it seems like Max can see right through me, sense my very thoughts. In some ways, Max and I know each other so well... by instinct. But, in truth... what do we really know of each other... our hopes and dreams... His closeness stirs me. And then... there is always a crisis. Elca was being hunted. *sigh* I asked Brem to look in on her. She was safe after all.

Somehow... I don't thing Max and I use our time together very well. Maybe now that things are settling down... we will have the opportunity to talk. When Deomo and I are together, we have always just regarded it as a moment... and used it well. His gentle touch... so hesitant... Max is different. Max is a driving force of curiosity. And yet... I do not think he really knows me. He has never hesitated with me. He throws himself into the foray whole-heartedly. I wonder where it will lead us all.

He was now regarding me with his deep blue eyes... deep blue like the lakes of Naboo. Love in those eyes. I was lost in them for a moment. Then my datapad alarm went of with its reminder. *sigh*

REMINDER: A favor I promised: Thursday, January 27, xxx5: Check on Dolch's residences, help yourself to anything you feel you need.

I asked if Max could come with me. He didn't really want me trapsing about on my own just yet anyways. And truly... this was going to be alot of trapsing... potentially dangerous trapsing. I got buffed in Hendola just to be safe.

We caught the shuttle to Theed and drove out to Dolch's Casa on Naboo. OH! I was locked out. I know Dolch has not been here in a very long time, since his guild had moved to Dantooine. Locked out though... I could not see where the maintenance status was at. I hope he has someone else who will check on it who does have the security codes. This house was a small round hut of Naboo style near the Northern beaches. It was gorgeous. I had to allow my curiosity some freedom. *GRIN* I drove my swoop across the lake to where is joined the sea. Wow... it was breathtaking. I marked a wp for later. I want to come back here and camp with Max. As we drove back to Theed, I detoured to show Max the lookout I had found the other day. We stopped a moment to stand upon the wooden platform looking over the factories below. There were many critters about. And as we flew off on our swoops, Mauraders spang from the clefts om the nearby mountain. A couple shots grazed my bike and glanced off my armor. Max yelled for me to keep going, to not stop till I reached Theed. He lept off his swoop to allow them to think he was the easier target. Boy were they wrong. Max is an excellent shot. They barely got a chance to get him in their sights before he dispatched them.

AT Theed, we boarded Max's ship and headed to Bestine. I had only taken a guess. I had not been to Dolch's Tattooine casa. I had only been to Fyrshka's sanctuary, which is in his care. Bestine was the closest port! When we stepped off the ship, I pulled out my datapad and checked the wp... yup... I guessed good! Bestine. Max wanted to pok into the City Hall and see what was up with the current politics. The city was crawling with Imperials! I was a bit edgy. He walked about like it was normal. He leaned over to me when he saw me hesitating about going further. I asked him, what was up with all the Imperial troopers. He replied with ease... It is Bestine. It is always like this. Oh... In the City Hall, Sean was currently in power, with Victor struggling to make the next election. Sean had a small problem. One of his historical researchers needed a hand finding data in an old wreckage that was uncovered. Hmm... this could be interesting. So we went out to have a look. We both found some corrupted data disks. The researcher told us to bring them to Sean for analysis. Well.. the data turned up some skeletons in Sean's closet... he asked us to... make the info "disappear" by passing it to a contact of his. Ehn... whatever. I understand about skeletons. I am tired of seeing them... i didn't want to know the details. We went and delivered the disks to Sean's contact and returned to tell him so and show the proof from the contact. He awarded us each with a painting. Gorgeous night skyscape. I will tuck mine into my storage on my sorosuub for later... with the rest of the growing collection.

Out at Dolch's Tattooine casa, I felt a sense of Fyrshka in the house. Hmmm... wonder if they spent time here together or something. A sandstorm came up and Max and I sat in the house till it passes. The maintenance was good for another 35 days. I looked through the packs. Wow... tons of crystals! There was tantel armor. I had not seen any before. Just a helm and chestplate. I liked the look of them, but their quality was poor. There was a padded chestplate too. I was suddenly reminded of the wooly padded chestplade Eeseefa had made for me partly as a favor to Blimey. I missed it. It was very good quality. I wish I had some this time. It is less encumbering than the composite armor. But there doesm't seem to be anyone who makes any. The market is flooded with just composite armor.

Next stop... Dantooine. I was a bit concerned. WIKAN's new city out here is heavy Rebel Alliance. I did not want to be surprised by anything and have them kill Max. So we traveled out cautiously. I let my curiosity take us down a road to where I was considering moving the temple if I had to. To move it under the WIKAN's protection. It was still a nice spot. Then carefully we walked through the smill city to Dolch's casa. Inside I was caught ... shocked... by several things. *!!* First were paintings I had never seen before. The most interesting was the fiery orange one labeled BIO-ENGINEER in Aurabesh. But was shocked me more... were all the bits of Imperial uniforms and devices. *I thought Dolch was Rebel! He recruited me!!* *CONFUSED* I will have to speak to him on this when I get a chance to make contact with him. He is supposedly deep undercover somewhere. I spotted a good pair of Ubese Armor pants and put them in my pack. he had mentioned them to me on several occasions... I now picked them up. They will be good for hunting. He had other interesting things: bubble tank and glowing mystical orb. Where did he get those? On our way out, I checked the maintenance on the house,. It was good for 60 days.

My task complete, we drove cross-country back toward the temple. Pausing now and agin to stretch. On one pause, Max asked me... if I was happy... But then a critter invaded our rest and we headed out. I thought. I pondered. But I could not answer him. I... didn't know.

Funny... months ago, I wondered about love and friendship and trust. And the meanings of these words in my life... as they were so foreign to me at the time I arrived here. Now... the new word is happy. Am I happy? Hm. We need to get to the temple. We still had a long drive ahead of us. And I drove it in silence.


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