Monday, January 24, 2005

Daily Distractions

Oy. This was really troubling my mind. I was so distracted. I wandered Hendola for hours before I remembered I was looking for a Teras Kasi trainer. I boarded the shuttle to Theed. maybe there will be a Master wandering about there who could teach me, as Hendola has no trainer.

In Theed, I stood about the starport with my datapad searching for a master. I asked everyone who got off a ship. *sigh* no one. Hours past and night came. I was exhausted. Finally I asked Deomo if there were any trainers at all on the planet of Naboo. He told me to try Kintan. OH! Hmmm... ok. Off I went to Kintan. and YAY! there was a trainer willing to train me for 6000 creds. He was among many trainers sitting and talking "shop" in a gardern just outside the shuttleport. YAY! Finally... some official training in the new skills of focus and meditation. I hopped the shuttle back to Theed and headed to the cantina for a drink and to watch the novices practice their dancing. (blocking my ears against the novice musicians tonite though)

I tried again to see a doc in Theed, but there just wasn't any around. So to the cantina I went. My mind a turmoil of what to do... and the worry of the twinges I have had the past few days... and how to tell Max and Deomo about the child.

I watched ramndom novice dans and boosted them so they could keep dancing. I left my drink... forgotten. I was so lost in thought that I never noticed Maxell coming in and sitting at a distance to watch me. *frown* He was so subtle... like a gurrcat creeping up in the grass. *smile* I went and sat with him a moment and he asked how I was feeling. I told him I was alright. I was now... no twinges at the moment. I didn't want to worry him. I didn't need to feel his worry on top of mine and Deomo's.

He asked if I would accompany him to a small party for friend of his who is leaving for a long while. I was not really comfortable, but if a friend of his is leaving... he ought to go. So I said I would go with him. He assured me it would not be crowded and that I did not need to dress fancy.

We drove out to the beaches of the North shore. The water was wonderful. I was surprised. I had never really been near the ocean or the sea... on any planet. The sound of the waves was soothing. Everyone had the pets with them, so I called Koownye, the gurrcat Max gave me. I stood away from the crowd and just watched them. To have a bit of fun, I sent Koownye off to shadow people. *grin* I went later and sat closer to the water to watch the goings on. I realy was not very comfortable with a whole lot of people I did not know and me not really in the social mood. I sat in the sand with Koownye and max brought three of his cats over to sit with me. I felt shy and very out of place. I had too much on my mind. Max came over to sit and hold me from time to time. The folks were having duels for fun, racing pets, having a bikini contest, and then auctioning off folks as dated for the night.

*twinge* dammit *breathes and tries to ease the small waves* I have not been doing anything but sitting here. Ok... maybe stressing.

I pulled out my new datapad and some of the old notes I had gathered from the temple to go through "work stuff" to distract me. I was very quiet. I think ... no I am sure Max noticed I was not myself. Oh crap. Notes from Kimbrya... last request to type and email two notes from her. To Deomo and to Cauil. *sigh* I focused on that for a bit. Max came to sit with me. He sat behind me and I snuggled inbetween his legs so he could wrap his arms easily about me. I kept working on the emails. Oy. They gave me a sinking feeling too. *small twinge* *grumble* *stop that*

We looked like cuddled lovebird... some of the folks from the party came over and commented so. *smile* I leaned back and relaxed in Max's arms.


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