Repost: Stranger K
One forgets how easily misinformation can spread in this area. Too many are too quick to embrace it, and pass it along.The last of the tchen'da'ra assassins was purged from our brotherhood three generations ago, whatever slanderers and pretenders may claim.Your annoyance is inappropriate. I sought to prepare you, honorably. Before we settle our differences, there are other things I must do, and they require a certain level of concealment on my part until completed.I have noted your spirituality with admiration. Be wary of the counsel received from those such as Dolch. When that adolescent learns the rudiments of written communication, then perhaps the two of you can confide in one another as adults.To Pahoo, I return your regards, and choose to read your greeting as ambiguous. Once you have learned of the murdered Bothan, I am confident we shall have no quarrel.
Prepare me? For what? If you are not an assassin, then who and what are you? And what HAVE i done? Having someone after me does not annoy me. Not knowing that I have done something and that it has offended someone... THAT bothers me. Your messages have not remotely given me any confidence that your intentions were positive in any way.
Prepare me? For what? If you are not an assassin, then who and what are you? And what HAVE i done? Having someone after me does not annoy me. Not knowing that I have done something and that it has offended someone... THAT bothers me. Your messages have not remotely given me any confidence that your intentions were positive in any way.
As I have mentioned, I may not give too much away at this time, but I may divulge the following:
The Bothan you murdered in Mos Eisley and I had a relationship which demands that I avenge him.
Woah! Now I am quite sure you have me mixed up with somone else. I hunt no people in MosEisly. None. I defend myself against the occassional thug but even that is really rare.
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