Monday, October 18, 2004


Wow... Blimey is making some huge personal changes. He is giving up the warrior path. Well, not entirely. He is taking up artisan for a time. He hopes to be a shipright and make starships. So his goals are: Master Doactor/Master Shipwrite/Fighter Pilot. And that is where he will allow his warrior freedom. It is an opportunity he will have soon, but he is laying the groundwork now with these changes.

I am going through changes too. But I am yet to figure out what those changes are. I still hear whispering in my mind. Often the voices are distinct now. But the need to go off into isolated meditation is growing strong. So, that is exactly what I will do. I will hike off to someplace remote and do some internal soul searching. I will be coming back, I promise. I just need a week. My comm will be off, so leave me email. I will address it in a week. This is an opportunity to really review my old lessons and get a grip on who I am.

I will take this week off to also say some goodbyes. Goodbyes to friends now gone. Goodbyes to mentors and teachers whose spitirs have joined the Force. Goodbyes... to ... my daughters....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make your peace and say your goodbyes.

You have little time left.


10:36 PM  

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