Sunday, January 23, 2005

Winding Down... and Cradling the Unborn

*smile* Yes... this has been a long overnight. *smile* But a FUN one!!

On our way back to my ship in Mos Eisley. I brought Max out to the Tombs of MosEisley. We sat and meditated there a for a few moment. I contacted Elca on my comm and let her know that we were heading to Theed.

Looking back on the checklist...
- *check* The maintenances are covered
- *check* Brem is ok about caring for the temple

Met Elca. She was lovely and dancing to earn enough experience for her Novice Dancer's Certification. I sat to watch her. And we talked. I asked her to look after the temple ... trusting ti in hers and Brem's hands. She was so very honoured. I asked her to go in and play with the kittens. Then I asked if she could make spiritual trees for the temple to replace the ones on either side of the Gong on the Earth wall. Honour. Love. For the Temple's main code. She aksed what the code was. I replied Honour is the Law, Love is the Bond. She seemed troubled. Her heart is so wrapped in affection for Kayon. And he so tied to the current Jedi codes. I promised to look into the codes. I have a small lead. I will find what I can while I am away.

-*check* Elca will watch over the temple with Brem
-*check* ordered my trees from Elca

Max and I stopped into the med centre to heal out cuts then headed out to his place in Hendola. He rearranged the trees. *smile* Looks good.


I asked him to contact his son, Avios. I wanted to try to meet Avios this weekend. To have tests done... to determine patertinity of the child I carry. *nervous* It is only 3 weeks into the pregnancy. I confirmed this with a private doctor ... but now I want to know who the father is... for their sakes. Technically it shold be done at 9 weeks. It is easoer to do then... but there are tests that can get DNA at 3 weeks. And if any human DNA shows up... then I will know that Max is the father. If no human DNA shows... then she is Deomo's. *stressed* Max is worried the tests will harm the child. I am pretty sure they won't... but now he is making me a bit nervous. Nervous for the tests and nervous for the results.

-*check* request sent to Avios for the tests

We curled up by his pool on the plush rug and he rubbed my belly to soothe me. He reached with the Force to the child! *beaming smile* And didn't scare her. He has done this a couple of times. He soothes her and talks to her. *smile* I can feel her reach back to him. This morning he reached and cradled her. She was soothed... like when Deomo hums to her. *smile*

I am so blessed with these two wonderful men in my life.


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