Sunday, January 23, 2005

Squill Caves with Max... and Deomo

I woke feeling reasonable in the early afternoon. Woke to a list of things to do before Max and I take off for a few days.

-check on the maintenance of the temple and storage houses
-ensure Brem & Elca are ok taking care of the temple while we are gone
-remind Deomo that I will be away
-order trees from Elca
-contact Avios for tests Sunday night or Monday morning
-update public bio

Once my list was tapped into the datapad. Oh kark. GET A NEW DATAPAD SCAR'LET!!! I keep forgetting. I will need to head out to base soon to do that. I was going to do it right away... but... therewere voritors and huurtons outside the temple and I could not get out. I could sense Max was finishing a flying mission, so I didn't want to bother him. He sensed my annoyance at the critters and let me know that he was on his way... and for me to be patient.

When he arrived, he took out the critters. It was close for him. Then more crawled out of the ground. Dammit. *stress* Deomo offered to come help. I thought hard about asking him. But we managed to get away and Max was ok with the fight. Just. I would have prefered Deomo there I think. *smile*

Max wanted to take me hunting and training... to the Squill Caves of Tattooine. I had been there a few times hunting when I was hunting with BorDesc. But since Bordesc and I stopped talking *sad* I have not been back. That was an awesome time. He was a pikeman/doctor. He was an amazing sight to see. I LOVE watching pikemen fight. I even wrote a poem a while back on the last trip to the squill cave with BorDesc.

I had forgotten just how FUN it is to hunt there! *smile* I should do this much more often!! Why don't I? Oh yeah... i SUCK as a solo fighter. I have to have a partner or i die.

Deomo was hunting there too!!! He was with a couple of his guildmates and recruits traini as well. His helm broke so I passed him my spare. He was going to have a headache for a while from the broken helm. We kept running into him all along our hunt. *grin* It was real neat fighting alongside BOTH Max and Deomo. *amazed* I still feel like I am in a fantasy or something with them not at each other's throats. It is real wierd. As Max and I hunted, Deomo kept sneaking up to be not too far... like a protector... just keeping an eye. *smile* And Hehn! Deomo has quite a sense of humor and the fun banter across comms and cave tunnels and even the bond... was... well... made hunting a blast! Even Max got involved! They joked... together... wow! Maybe i did get kicked in the head too hard by that piket a couple days ago. And Deomo was holding out against the pendant. *proud* Hold out just a bit more... please. I know you can do it. I ... know it is getting harder. But hang on... Oh... and he was such an occassional distraction to watch ... he is a pikeman. Poor Max kept asking me if he ought to leave for me to hunt with Deomo. No... no... I was hunting with Max. But ... i just had to watch Deomo's pike swing now and again.

FInally Deomo's headache was too much and his buffs wore off. He left to train and heal... and hopefully sleep. I pray he sleeps well. *hums for Deomo*

Max is getting better. We still just do alot of watching each other in a fight... and there are the occassional stretches of silence. But it is not so bad. He talks to me more now. It help me from getting too frustrated or bored hunting. We hunted till we were tired out... physically. We made it out of the caves and stood on the mountain a bit with his gurrcat, Envy, underneath a dark blanket of Tattooine's starry night sky. We took some pictures. It was good. I don't have many pictures of Max. I have several of Deomo... but just a few of Max. (hehehe... yes I still have the incriminating photo of Deomo... smiling... hehehe) But this is a real good one on Max. I will have to make it a small framed pic to carry with me.


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