Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Uber Cuteness

*bounce* Huhn? Today could not have been any more different than yesterday was. They were on opposite side of the scale! *bounce... poke... bounce* I woke curled up to the razorcat in the indoor camp. Max had to be up early for Imperial work. I walked upstairs and knelt to meditate. *bounce* Well! Hello Meela! *bounce bounce* She was awake and her energy declared her very excited. So... she woke me. *smile* Hello my sweetling. Then she became very energetic and bounced back and forth along the bond Max showed her yesterday... *smile* and *grin* woke Deomo. Hehe. They reached for each other. He got up from the blue room and came down to sit with me. I stopped trying to meditate. He and her were playing back and forth together with energy along our bond. *SMILE* I just wanted to sit and watch. *CUTENESS!!!* They almost seemed to play tag. He was glowing with joy at this newfound connection to her. So was she.

I think this went on for an hour before I was about to speak.

He even tried to play a bit of peek-a-boo with energy. That spooked her. She did not understand. How could she? She is ... well... still in the first trimester of gestation! This alone is amazing. It was a bit similar with my twins... but that was just with me. I expect it between mother and child. But this... with her father... *smile* is just so damned cute. I was grinning from ear to ear... my cheeks hurt from it and still I could not help myself. *smile!!* He so can't wait till he actually holds her in his arms. Till he gets to teach her hunting.... I so hope he gets that opportunity.

Meela, our daughter. She bounded across the bond a few more times till she was all tuckered out and slept. *smile*

The cuteness factor of this morning was truly off the scales. *weehee*


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