Saturday, September 11, 2004

Temple Contact

When I arrived at the transit station, I met... a familiar face! One of my old teachers from the temple! She was badly scarred... I had not thought she lived. When she saw me she too was surprised. She wasn't sure she recognized me till i filled in some blanks cautiously. Then! WOW... she was so happy she was crying!

She said she has something special for me. She was suppoed to go on this journey too, but couldnt, due to the damage she had incurred before. So she was going to put me in contact with a benefactor. Some folks named Fyrshka (another priestess) and a retiring smuggler named Ar'k. They will help make the transfer smooth. She then wished me luck, strength and courage and gave me the first med shot for the journey.

I hope we all survive!


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