Tuesday, September 07, 2004

How'd I Get Here?

I am not sure what happened. I woke, feeling aweful and terribly wounded, in a merchant tent... an empty merchant tent. Jawa's? Oh, Jawas. There are jawas milling about outside. Somehow I ended up at the Jawa Trading Camp POI.

I summoned Blimey trusty medical droid and began doing some preliminary self-healing. But, the droid's battery died soon after. I tried to speak to the Jawas to buy another, but we didn't understand one another. Frustrated, I went to lie down again in the tent, before I fell down form the exertion.

I miss Blimey. I hope he is well. I pray he got to his new glalxy safely. I heard a rumor that id is actually a dimensional shift... but that seems silly and impossible... not to mention crazy and super dangerous. I haven't heard from Eeseefa either for some time. I fear he has been tracked down and is being interrogated. Maybe I am just having fever-dreams. I will go to the nearest city when my strength is up and make use of their med centre.


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