Thursday, September 02, 2004


I had last remembered relaxing in camp after eating a fine meal of freshly caught fish on Yavin 4. But today, I woke in the Yavin 4 Mining outpost Med centre. Apparently, I was very lucky someone found me in my camp near the outpost. I had seized up as an allergic reaction to fish. I was still rather ill feeling and exhausted when I left. So, I am officially allergic to fish. I never had fish before my freedom... so never knew. I was planning on meeting Blimey and Eeseefa in Coronet to go hunting some more, when i blacked out again in the starport. UG! And missed the shuttle. Finally made it on the ship, puked on the ship. Apologized... I was SOOO embarrassed. I do not like that much direct attention.

Met with Blimey and Eeseefa in Coronet and got buffed by Blimey. Eeseefa gave me some armor, really good armor compared to what I had. And then he gave me money! I had money... I feel like I owe him. I owe both him and Blimey so much... my very life in a way. Eeseefa and I traveled to Theed without Blimey, as he was still working buffing people at the Coronet starport. Then we traveled to Lok.



I remember this place... I could not stop the shaking... I was sure I had a grip on things. Eeseefa did not really understand. Why should he? I wanted to get off the planet immediately, but Blimey was on his way. I did my best to show courage, or at least silent resolve. We hunted. I harvested more than 2k leathery hides for Eeseefa for armor. He said he would have great armor for me in a couple days. I tried to give Blimey the 1k excellent herbivore meat, but he refused it. This is what he first hired me for. He said he had quite enough for a long while. He told me to sell it. Supposedly it will sell at 125cpu. WOW! What would I do with that kind on creds? Blimey suggested I go buy some nice clothes... but all I ever do is hunt and fight. What would nice clothes be good for? He said it was ok for me to be a woman sometimes. What is THAT supposed to mean?

I was too tired to think any further on it. I just wanted off the damned traumatic planet. I reached Coronet still shaking and my heart pounding in my ears. Strange how an experience can effect your view of a whole planet. I thought i had it well buried or dealt with. I guess not. I had to eventually just sit on a bench and shut the world out.


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