Monday, March 14, 2005

Couple Steps Closer to Healed

Two days of careful healing and slow walking and I am at last permitted back to minimal regular life. I have been doing stretching, prescribed by Dr. Narheen, supervised my Maxell, the Doctor and Avios. *smile* Strength and honour. *Where did I hear that?* I will work hard and carefully to be back to where I need to be to get back into training and managing the temple. I am healing well. Dr. Narheen wants to still do tests and keep monitoring me regularly for the next few months. I have not yet been brave enough to ask her about my chances of having a future child. Later. I will ask later.

I have gotten back into meditating too. I meditate on the balcony. *stairs are good exercise!* And I meditate in front of Meela. I try to tell her all about me and and what I have learned as a priestess and how I have taught her father. I can sense she is stressed about him. So, I hold her spirit close to mine in the loving embrace of a mother... and try to shine for Deomo. Strength and Honour Deomo... Cuimhnigh... come back to Meela. Come back safe and well. Please. Oh gods and spirits, oh ancesors of my family and his, I pray to you all... please help him to come back to his daughter safe.


Maxell has stepped out for a bit. He has headed out to tend to maintenance, administration, business... and his own work. He works so hard to make everything still keep going even when I cannot. He compliments me. I hope I compliment him.

Here I am now, datapad in hand, out on the balcony looking out across the Dantooine landscape or tundra and near desert, out and the extremely starry sky. Change is on the wind. I have yet to get back into the activity of the galaxy and see how it has changed. It will be so new to me. It will be like seeing it for the first time. maybe I will POI hunt all over again... with Max. *smile* maybe I will try my hand again at flying. Avios mentioned an interest in it. Maybe I will take him up if he thinks he can stomache my flying. *embarrassed* Yes... change is on the wind... But what kind?


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