Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Return to Eden

*scent of grass and flowers*
*touch of a light breeze*
*sound of a nearing voritor*

I sat up like I bolt! VORITOR! Where?!? Oh crap! I passed out and fell from my swoop. The voritor was sniffing at my swoop a few meters from me. I carefully crept away. It picked up my scent and foloowed at a distance. Then I masked my scent and crawled around and back to my swoop.

Max was trying to reach me. *Not now Max.*

I slowly guided the swoop further away while the voritor was struggling to pick up my now lost scent... his now lost meal. I slid onto my swoop.

*Where are you? What happened? Are you ok? WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF THE TEMPLE!?*

*Not. Now. Max.*

Took a quick moment to verify I was not hurt. Good. Just a bit of wounded pride... but no one really saw this stupidity. Started the engine and before the vortior could react... I was off. I swung about to make a quick assessment. The temple was closer than Eden. And there were more voritors coming from a den on my path to Eden. Oh well... Back to the temple.

*ok... now Max.*

I rode fast back to the temple to meet Max. I reassured Max I was fine. I just NEED to get out and see other things! He sighed... and understood. *thankful*

He then escorted me back to Eden for a short look about. It was nice to fly by the fallen ATAT... *remembered learning to swim there with Max* and over to the vending tents. Some neat things... but nothing that really and truly caught my eye. I enjoyed looking though. Max commed me to let me know that Fiore and Scarlette where both in the cantina. So I walked over there and greeted them. It was good to see some other faces and socialize a bit. They are redesigning their cantina.

I sat on the steps outside a moment and sent Brem a small email asking if he could make 2 sets of blue bangles for me. Something of him to keep close to me *smile* And 2 ... incase another voritor eats one set like they did the last set. *grin* I hope that last voritor choked on it of passed it with great pain!

Max then took me up in space. He showed me his little med room in the lower deck of the ship. Lower deck? Does my sorosuub have a lower deck too? I will have to check that sometime. He then got a message he needed to address and let me explore the "new" lower deck. But I was so very tired. I explored a bit and then sat on the floor with my head on my crossed arm on one of the beds. I must have drifted off...


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