Saturday, January 01, 2005

*TRUST* & a nightmare


Why is this so hard for me? Why must it interfere with everything. My doubts and fears. Maybe it is because everyone I trust burns me. Everything I hold dear dies horribly. The things I love get killed or taken.


Max... this is hard for me. Hard to trust you, even harder to trust myself.


I had this nightmare too... based in this trust. Maxell was arrested and asked me to trust him. To trust that he had made arranegments. Then turned himself in to Deomo. Only... the plans went wrong. Someone unexpected was there. The terror and pain were ... they rocked me to my core and stirred me from my reverie... in a cold sweat.


This also did not help my mood, not lend me confidence for what was ahead. Why did this grip me? I was thinking about trust.... oh yeah. He asked me to trust him and let him be arrested. But that was just a dream... wasn't it?


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