Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Other surprises

Boy am I confused...

Well... A few days ago, Brem surprised me with e green crystal on the office desk. It looked good there so i left it there for the moment. Today, I went in to collect it and place it in the container of things that need to be cleansed before placing in the Ritual space. ANd in the office I discovered a black skirt. A nice simple one. Who left it? I have several people on admin... who left it and why?

I also prepared a room for Kimbrya in the hopes that somehow she will find her way to the temple some day.

Oh and that nagging starnge feeling... dual feeling. I get this intense negative feeling... Oh ueah... the cage. Brem acquired a cage full of really dark energy... like the Dark Side of the Force lives in its every fiber... It will need cleansing very very soon. I also got this feeling of a great shift... in Brem. I wasn't quite sure what... then I read his journal. He has been invited to the secret city for Force training. WOW! I am so proud of him! SO many doors are opening for him... so many possible paths... which will he walk?


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