Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Moving ...

I was moving stuff around the small storage house and decided to destroy the second yacht and take down the little house to see if I could build a small generic house near the temple. Kark... i did not have permission for anything larger that the little Nabooian hut. KARK!

So I went into the Temple to see what i was going to do... to calm and figure out what next. And ... I had the strangest feeling. This intense feeling of... something... and yet at the same time... something missing. AK! Brem moved out!

This is SO not my day so far. I completely freaked! First I managed to stick my foot in my mouth and piss off two people yesterday... including Blimey... and now Brem moved out. What have I done!?! What did I do this time?!?

With my packs overloaded... I decided to walk down the road a bit and plunk down the hut again and dump my stuff back in. LO! Lo and behold... there was Brem's house. I never new! Well I rebuilt the small house just past his... and filled it again. This all kinda feel surreal... especially after the fricken nightmare I had last night.


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