Thursday, November 25, 2004

Rebel Ground Missions: General Dadonna

Unsure what to do this evening...(early morning?) I headed to Yavin IV all buffed and ready for a fight. Lone-wolfing it again. Guess I will go meet General Dadonna and see what he needs of me. I traveled to the Temple of Exar Kun. The feelings there were very strange, a strong mix of light and dark energies. It made my head spin a bit. Exar Kun was a Dark Jedi... I wonder why he has a temple erected in his name... and why the Rebels were running a base of operations out of it. Maybe beacuse the Imperials already claimed the ancient Massassi Temple for themselves to strike a blow against Light Jedi? I was sure I had been here before... but I guess not. As I entered, I was awarded an exploration badge. I took a photo of the interior architecture. The place must be an archaeologist dream come true.

I met Gen. Dadonna. He is older than I thought... but wise and battle experienced. He informed me that since the destruction of the DeathStar, this base has been comprimised and that it is frequently being bombed and underseige by the Imperials. They are trying to evacuate all personel. He got word that some stormtroopers were attacking one of the evac ships and asked me to take care of it. I wiped out 3 troopers and the ship took off safely.

Upon return, an urgent message came that an informant team needed an escort throught the jungle. I hurries out to find only one man left. The Imperials had killed the others and he was wounded. I got him to base quickly. The information he carried were possible new location where the Rebels can set up another base. Gen. Dadonna analyzed the info and found a good planet. I won't say where here... just that its climate is OPPOSITE to Tattooine's. Way opposite. I asked me to run this to info disk to a pilot to get it to MonMothma. I raced out. Delivery successful. She took off as quick as possible... As I arrived to tell Gen. Dadonna... news came in that she got shot out of the sky. KARK!!! Stress was high in this place. Tensions taught. He made another disk and called in another pilot, asking me to deliver it again. This time a spoke a few words of blessing and protection over the disk before delivering it.

"May this information remain hidden from Imperial knowledge,
may its carrier be safe and invisible from Imperial scopes and fire,
may it and its carrier reach their destination as quick as the universe can allow.
May the Force be with them! So mote it be."
Success!! Delivered the disk and watched the pilot take off. Then returned to Gen. Dadonna. News there was that the pilot made a hyperjump safely! YAY! There was a great cheer around the folks dashing about preparing for evacuation. I felt like I was running with Neutron pixies in my system! It was almost dizzying. It was hard to keep my personal mental shields up to block everyone out. Their excitement, their fear... i was beginning to feel it all... like something was tearing down my defences! Gen. Dadonna asked me to go give Luke Skywalker a hand.
He is very young and inexperienced... but I can sense he has a strong guiding force with him. And yet this place almost swallows him up in the mix of Light and Dark Forces. Down in the basement of this temple were two huge... i mean HUGE crystals, one purple and one red... glowing and levitating on their own. The energy around them was both so powerful and so wrapped and enclosed in themselves... that i just could not get a sense of them properly. It made me nautious to be too close... like a physical blow to the head. SO I kept my distance and spoke with Skywalker.


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