Saturday, November 13, 2004

Dantooine Rebel Ground Missions

I updated my Bio while I waited to meet up with Brem. Yay... I get company again!

I reported for duty to Mon Mothma, beffed this time. The missions were mostly delivery and retrieval with a couple... "get this by whatever means"... which meant kill the Imperials that have it, claim it from their cooling corpse and bring it back to us. Brem enjoyed these ones. I wonder if he will ever do the ground missions?

On our way back from one mission, we discoverd a row (path?) of stome arches. I followed through them... but the ledt to nothing. Hm! Bizarre. Dantooine always has bit of interesting left behind archaeological finds.

When I was done my ground missions, I earned a promotion. I am now a Sergeant!

I was also completely exhaused. It took me 15min to roam the messy semi-abandoned base to find a bed.

I look forward to some quality time spent sitting on the roof of the Temple with Brem.


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