Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Hunting & Thinking

I hunted rock beetles outside my shop. It was good trapping practice. They can be tough. When I get worn down by them I get to practice my camping. I know... why bother... the houses are just over the ridge... but I need the practice... and i ... am not really fond of having a house.

The hunting is one of those things that kick into routine and allows my mind to think and mull things over. I was thinking about my discussion about love with Malek. I think I am fairly certain what I want, am comfortable with, and don't want... at least until Blimey is part of the picture....

Hmmm... think of something else...

Professions. I have been exploring the options soon to be open to me. I am more fond of Ranger now that I had met and spoken with Thrakazog. I might go Ranger/Fencer.


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