Friday, October 01, 2004


Lone-wolfing it again. Joy... just as I set up camp on Corellia to craft some traps... I get rained on again. it never seems to ever be one of those gentle rain, oh no... I have to get the torrential down-pours! So I am soak, my camp is soaks, my tent collapsed, my supplies are soaked... my traps are soaked.... groan. And everyone's comm is off... grumble.

Fine. I give up! I packed up and drudged miserably into Coronet to get buffed, dried and grab a shuttle to another planet... like Dantooine. Never been there yet.

Pink. It is a pink planet. Well, no it isn't... but is in blamketed in pink flowers. So... it might as well be called a pink planet. I did some research to see what I could learn about this planet before embarking on another POI hunt. All i found is that the original Dantari people are gone and that they left some fascinating villages, standing stones, shrines, roads and land bridges over waterways... but no written records. Now the Janta and the Kunga primitive humanoids live in these places. I traveled to two of the villages. Interesting... but not anything that makes me go WOW....

I stopped in at a POI labeled "Abandoned Rebel base". Well, it was hardly abandonded. There were soldiers and officers milling about. A groups of wounded Imperials were leaving the scene... they must have thought it was abandoned too... hehehe. The base was huge! Larger than any I had seen so far. And it was well fortified and protected, ready for offense and defense. It just wasn't quite as populated as the Imperial bases. Guess that is the difference between volunteer soldiers and conscripted ones. Numbers. I wonder about the willingness of the conscripted Imperial soldiers. Or are they still using illegal clones? I got my exploration badge for being at the base... but none of the officers would speak with me. "go away, we do not have time for you"


Ok... then I will go visit another temple. The Jedi Temple Ruins were on the other side of the world. WHAT a LONG LOOOOONNNGGG drive it was to get there. And there was a man there. I got the most unpleasant feeling off of him. I did not trust him, but felt I did not dare fight him or it would be my death. His name is Luthik Uwyr. I think he is a Dark Jedi of some sort. Darkness and corruption consumed him, oozed from his very pores. He tried hard to manipulate me, to anger me to get me to give in to my darker feelings. He wanted me to go kill someone in the temple. DOLT! Zabrak have stonger wills than that! I think i annoyed him greatly by walking away. I am not wasting my time not willing to incurr such bad karma. He practically desacrates this temple with his very presense.

The ruins were exactly that... ruins. They must have been beautiful at one time. The energy here was still remarkable beautiful. Especially if you stand where you can see the fullness of the temple AND waterfalls. Hmmm... The waterfalls ... nah... it was silly. It was as if they whispered to me. Silly. Maybe i have been lone-wolfing too much, I am beginning to lose my mind. Well I did get a few pictures. When I got closer to the falls, the rocks seemed to form a hunched man-like figure. As I got closer to see for sure, I noticed a cave entrance behind the falls, cleverly hidden. I felt like a giddy child! Curious and excited! The caves were lit within as if someone lived there. They were... if felt like the whole cave was alive! It tingles and hummed. the noise of the water mysteriously muffled. I explored further. ZABRAK! There was a Zabrak woman there! I think she ... could she be a Jedi... one of the old ones? She looked so familiar. She was very polite with me, but told me for safety sake, I should not be there until I have chosen sides. One cannot sit on the fence forever. To watch wrongs be done is to agree with them. You must choose to act. Either for or against.... but to stand in the middle will tear you apart... and will have you killed in the crossfire. I was so shocked. The words echoed inside me. They echoed inside me long after I had left the caves...


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