Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Empathic Shields

Max tried hard to teach me to work with my empathy. But I just don't dare to be off balance this close to when Deomo fights that spirit and this close to losing Meela. He poked and prodded and the slightly cracked shields I have in place around my empathic abilities.

Then he had an idea.

I called to Meela and showed her the shield and the cracks. She was curious but she just did not understand. max tried and tried to explain to her that she needs to hide behind that shield when I tell her. But she just did not understand. She just has no fear of things. And she is just too young to comprehend. I think Max was mildly frustrated that he could not figure out how to get her to understand. He has never tried to communicate with someone so young. When he showed her how to find Deomo along the bond, she went to Deomo willingly. But showing her the walls and cracks ... she had no incentive to go further.

In the end, Max built an emapthic wall himself around her and I. A wall with doors in it... to Deomo, to Kayon, to the Otherness (not that I think he could block the divine essence of the Force anyways) and explained to me that I have the key and can take these walls down at my choosing. We hope it will be able to help... when the time comes.


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