Monday, February 14, 2005

Battle Plans

Deomo still has yet to fight and defeat the pendant. It gets harder and harder each day. It draws on the power of the Dark Side of the Force. It now radiates with it. Deomo is always tired. Too tired to learn the next step in the training I have to teach him. ANd now we know for sure... the spirit in the pendant WILL try to kill Meela... to get to Deomo.

That was too close a call... for everyone. And with Max so far away... I could only call upon him enough to keep me alive. I need Max here... for his strength and stability.

I explained to Deomo what Max said he would try to do IF the spirit of the pendant defeated Deomo. Deomo agreed. It is what he wants... to protect Meela.

He then drew me inside as the rain began. He sat me down for a serious discussion ... a discussion about how to kill him. *!!!???!!!* He... he ... made me promise... that if he loses against the spirit in the pendant... that... that by whatever means possible we are to cut the bonds to me and Meela... and... kill him. I did not like this discussion. I ... know it is necessary. But... it is a horrible thing to discuss your own demise. He said I needed to know... because if he loses... and the spirit takes him over... he will likely try to kill me and Meela and others... and likely use his fathers pike to do it. That old weapon has mind damaging poisons. He helped me pick people that could take him down. I was worrying about how to lead this... i am so not the combat leader. I barely consider the activities of rescuing Max as a form of leadership. That was ... luck... or a miracle. This... I didn't think I could. He said I didn't have to. Max is a good leader and will manage well. This was still very depressing to plan. Necessary... but depressing. Deomo did not want to take ANY chance that harm could come to Meela. So be it.

He still needs to learn the last techniques and soon.
I still need Max's help to teach him.

We were both too tired to do anything at the moment.

Gods... where is Max? His mission is taking so very long.


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