Thursday, January 13, 2005

First Temple Event: Blessing the Temple: part 1

Today is the day. I spent all day reviewing the invocations, looking over various spiritual blessings, leafing through old books and talking to Kimbrya on the comm. And I'll be damned. There is no ONE way to bless a temple. Great!! *groan in despair*

Very well. I will talk what I remember as a teen and what I have just learned through these recent studies and create one!

~8 hours later~

I am DONE! *nervous* I hope everyone likes it. Some folks have responded to my email. Some can come. Kayon will be bringing someone he has been sheltering... a newly freed slave. SHe is welcome here of course! Some cannot make it. Deomo will be on vacation. Good for him! He needs it. I will try to meet up with him on his vacation. Jakob will be late, he is tied up in a missions.

I was running through the ritual for the 10th time when Maxell woke from a nap. He surprised me with a small green pendant. "something more befitting a priestess" *blush and smile*I put away the large purple pendant he first gave me and put this one on. Oh how I love the feel of it! "don't chew on it!" *heehee* I have a habit of nibbling on my pendant when I am nervous and thinking. I then told Maxell what I wanted him to do in this ritual.

Then came the mad dash! Candles. We needed candles.

Maxell went off to meet Ebe and to find me some candles. I am so proud of him. 24 hours and no spice, so far! *smile* Whatever transpired last night while he meditated in Fyrshka's shrine... Thank you! I will have all my offering to both the gods and Fyrshka next week. For help in saving Max's... now twice.

*deep breath* I can do this.

Max came back with candles. I had dashed to Naboo's Syn City and got fireworks.

Why am I so nervous? I wasn't this nervous rescuing Max!

AKK!!! This is it!!! Gotta go!!!


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