Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hunting with Max... What?!

Deomo seemed to be better balanced. Not his usual self, but definately better that he was. He really needs a vacation. His comm went off and then he informed me that seven SSS and a dark Jedi were coming and that I should leave. So I did. I did not want him at risk.

In the cantina, Ebe and Maxell were having a drink together and watching the entertainers. I sat with them and talked some. Then Deomo commed me and was insistant that we all leave for our safety. I tried to get Max and Ebe to leave. But they refused. And Theed is very much their home. It was a public place and they intended stay put, not run. I noticed them not armored or even buffed. At least Max supponed his cats and commanded them to to guard the entrance. Worried for them, I went to get buffed by a local doctor. I returned quickly and donned my armor and hammer, ready for anything. Then knelt in meditation in an alcove so Max and Ebe can enjoy their time together safely. I was hyperalert to my surroundings. I reached to sense Max. I could almost taste the spice lingering in his system across the bond. Dammit. I... I wish I knew what to do. Short of locking him in a padded room till he was rehabbed. He would hate me forever if I did that. Even if it was for his own good... and mine. So I remained silent. A silent guardian. He wandered over and asked me what the hell I thought I was doing. Protecting you. What does it look like?!? He grinned. I wasn't sure if he was amused or proud. He then said that they really really were going to be fine. Reluntlantly I agreed to go out hunting. *smile* He said he would join me in a minute or ten.

I dashed off to help someone with training and then met up with Maxell in Azrith. Every so often, he looks at me quizically. I know he is still struggling with not being able to just KNOW what people are thinking and feeling. I would rather be blind than know myself. But he really depended on this sense of his. He wonders about me alot these days. I wonder about him too. I know why he takes spice... I believe I do. I am not happy with this decision of his. Well. Maybe he had only taken that once before meeting Ebe... to aid him in a fight... as an emergency. Ya that had to be it.

Well we hunted Mokks and Jantas between Azrith and Wanders End on Dantooine. Both of us buffed. It was both thrilling and comforting. I was doing something I understood. I was honing my skills and my body. I was hunting with the man I love at my side.

Flash wen my blade
In a dance of death
His pistol lasers
Igniting the air red and green

We stood with my blade before me
He behind me, heartbeat strong
The shots whizzing past my ear
Between the strokes of my sword

And about our feet
A great cat prowled
Its claws rending the flesh of our prey

hehe... good hunts get poems...
I trained in Wanders End, learning a new skill. OH! I brought Max to Jakob's guild hall to show him what inspired me for the construction of the temple. The brought him to Fyshka's Zoo. She had built it before she left this life. Max seemed so excited to see. He charged in with awe. He seems so fascinated by her. I wish she were alive for him to be with. WOW! The zoo looked AMAZING!! Whoever took it over made LOTS of changes to it sonce last I saw. WOW!! It is an ABSOLUTE MUST SEE if you ever go to Wanders End on Dantooine. There are creatures ther that I have NEVER seen an all my hunts. The downstairs had a warning sign to enter with caution. There was a large cage with two deadly creatures inside.

Max just stoof and stared. Then began to shake and sweat. Oh no. He bolted, the feral rising like panic in him. I had to chase him across Wanders End where I managed to corner him at the City Hall. I think it will be a long time healing for him... these are not would that meds and bandages heal. he cringed in the corner of the wall with his backpack. I didn't want to get too close. He... didn't recognize me at all, so consumed with fear and the feral. Was I like this? When I was feral? What did Max do to reach me? *remember*

I knelt on one knee and took off my armor. Slowly, I reached one bare hand out to him and called him by name. Maxell. Maxell. *please tai'shan... Maxell... come to me* It took time... my knees hurt. I crept a bit closer. He edged out of the corner and paced it. Then came to smell my hand. I slowly held out the other. All the while reaching along our bond. *trust* *remember* *love* He took my hand in his and I pulled him close to hold him. *I am here my love. You will heal. I will help you.* Awareness and recognition was blessedly back in his eyes and mind.

We have hunted enough. We returned to the temple to rest. And he showed me a great place for the new banner. We talked a bit... then he was sick. Spice sick. I ran for a bowl and some cloths to clean up. I sat with him while he vomited over and over again in the bowl. Pale and shaking. Oh Max.... That stuff that spice... why? But I knew. To numb the pain and the memories.... Oh gods... what do I do? How do I help? Spice. Max... you only think it helps... but it doesn't. Really. It really doesn't. *sigh* *comfort*

We sat for a while in Fyrshka's shrine. It is so peaceful there. I can just barely hear the whispers of the temple again. Her whispers... other whispers... but I cannot make them out. Max. I think he hears them too. But I think he is hearing them more clearly than I at the moment. Then he looked at me. So suddenly. Probing our bond. What? WHAT?! He was so riled up. WHAT?!!! Intense protection, fierce protection charged across the bond from him to surround me. WHAT!!!???!!! He railed into me about how I have to be more careful. How I have been foolish lately and can't... mustn't take such risks again. Berated me for my conduct that got me hurt on Yavin the other day. How he is worried about me. And that worry... I could feel along the bond and with my own limited empathy. KARK. He worried about me cloning. I am not going to end up like Kimbrya. I assured him. Kark. What has gotten into him!? He made me promise... like promise three times that I would be EXTRA careful. ok. OK OK OK!


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