Sunday, November 28, 2004


I woke in Nym's... on Lok... or did I? I can no longer tell real from unreal. Why am I here? I must be dreaming. I would never come to Lok without Brem or Blimey.

No... I really must be dreaming. I was working for Nym. And I met some Imperial guy, Haan. He is bold, and annoyed me much at first, but persistant. Yet, he never invaded my space or my privacy. He seemed a bit lonely and just wanted a new friend. Why me? I am seriously Rebel... and he seriously Imperial? Then again, so was Blimey... So I guess I will give him a fair chance at friendship. It was a dream after all... wasn't it?

Things are so fuzzy. I have been lone-wolfing, trying to find Kimbrya. Brem has not been around and I fear for her safety. Will she know danger when she sees it? What is someone uses honey on her? She might not know death is the next swat.


Darkness. It is constantly with me... whispering in my ear. The nightmares are and terrible memories haunt me sleeping or awake. The old one... and the new ones... like the Dark Jedi who hospitalized me. Theed? Aren't I in the hospital there?

Darkness.... The pains come and go... the faces change....


Brem? ~~~ Where are you? ~~~


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