Goals & Setbacks
Aha! Another goal accomplished! I hunted on my way to Azrith from the Temple and earned the last of the experience i needed to qualify for tracking training. Now I have my Frontiering and can make Field Bases not camps. And now I can tell the distance of a creature I am tracking! Soon... so very very soon... I will be able to track people.
I am hunting today for rug bits and gong bits. I want to be able to finish my my rugs and place them. I did do a bunch more decorating and sorting. As I placed more things for Brem in his room, I worried some more for him. I really do miss him. I know he is in good hands. I wanted to see him, but the medics won't allow me to disturb him. One more day...
Someone was selling off their belongings. I placed on offer on an Aurilian Banner (400k) and a painting (the painting for Blimey) (200k).
As for setbacks...
I now have great suspicion of both RSF AND CorSec! And for the same f-ing karking reasons. I was caught unawares by a Corsec major... unarmed and unarmored. One powerful and skilled man... grabbed me right off my bike and pulled me into a nook no one sees near the starport of Coronet. The blow was so hard I was dazed. Need a new black melee shirt and tossed the dark blue vest I have. He ruined them. The skirt will need replacing very soon too. I ... Well... no one will notice at least. Blimey can't exactly help. Brem... would go on a hunt. I will be fine. RSF and Corsec side with the Imperials. I felt dirty and violated. I was.
No longer in a social mood, I headed back to the Temple to meditate and bathe. I just can't bear right not to be close to anyone... not even those dear to me. After a good bath and some calming, I chatted with Blimey on the comm. No... I didn't bother telling him of this either. He was exhausted. He has a mixed schedule where he works overnight on some nights and trains during the days on some day... a mixed schedule... so he cannot get a regular sleep pattern established. poor guy. I added a couple more things to the Temple: a basket in the lounge and an offering bowl at the shrine. I think I will sit there for a bit.
I am hunting today for rug bits and gong bits. I want to be able to finish my my rugs and place them. I did do a bunch more decorating and sorting. As I placed more things for Brem in his room, I worried some more for him. I really do miss him. I know he is in good hands. I wanted to see him, but the medics won't allow me to disturb him. One more day...
Someone was selling off their belongings. I placed on offer on an Aurilian Banner (400k) and a painting (the painting for Blimey) (200k).
As for setbacks...
I now have great suspicion of both RSF AND CorSec! And for the same f-ing karking reasons. I was caught unawares by a Corsec major... unarmed and unarmored. One powerful and skilled man... grabbed me right off my bike and pulled me into a nook no one sees near the starport of Coronet. The blow was so hard I was dazed. Need a new black melee shirt and tossed the dark blue vest I have. He ruined them. The skirt will need replacing very soon too. I ... Well... no one will notice at least. Blimey can't exactly help. Brem... would go on a hunt. I will be fine. RSF and Corsec side with the Imperials. I felt dirty and violated. I was.
No longer in a social mood, I headed back to the Temple to meditate and bathe. I just can't bear right not to be close to anyone... not even those dear to me. After a good bath and some calming, I chatted with Blimey on the comm. No... I didn't bother telling him of this either. He was exhausted. He has a mixed schedule where he works overnight on some nights and trains during the days on some day... a mixed schedule... so he cannot get a regular sleep pattern established. poor guy. I added a couple more things to the Temple: a basket in the lounge and an offering bowl at the shrine. I think I will sit there for a bit.
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