Friday, November 05, 2004

Blahzeh Morning

I have been having connection trouble with my datapad journal and couldn't upload my journal last night or this morning... but it is fixed now... obviously.

I had to revise my goals too.
- Frontiering training
- Tracking training
- novice in sword (ongoing... and slow)
- hunt 10-20k piket meat for Saladrim
- work on Rebel ground missions

Poor Blimey had been up for 32+ hrs and still working and training. I joined him up in space to keep him company so he would fall asleep on his mission. It was long and boring to just escort freighters... but that was his mission. After that he crashed. *sleep well... see you later mo ionuin*

Guess I will lonewolf it for a while as no one else is around today. I went to Anchorhead and gave the Rebel recruiter there an Imperial Title disk I found. I also was awarded a promotion. I am now a Staff Corporal in the Rebel Alliance. With an hour left on my buffs, the recrutier told me I was needed ASAP at the base on Corellia. Saladrims meat order will have to wait a day. I was asked to retrieve some documents and escort some personel out of danger. Then I met Wedge Antilles. He is one of the heroes of the Rebellion... a pilot stuck at a desk while his ship undergoes much repairs. He is not happy with the situation... I can feel that off him. But he gave me some missions and errands to do. He is not the diplomatic type. If someone among the enemy needs to be assassinated... he says so plainly. "Eliminate this key person... I don't care how." Says what he means and means what he says. When my buffs ran out, he sent me off to recoup. Blimey's armor stood the test against the Imperials intil the shield generator died... then I got a bit hurt! My bike was damaged worse though... thankfully it is repairable.

I traveled back to Coronet and camped out there fr a while... once theRagTag Loons finally gave up attacking me.


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