Friday, October 08, 2004

Dantooine Exploration & Hunt

I gt a stray buff. I much prefer to get them from Bordesc or Blimey... but niether are here and I need to do to Dantooine. I need to be buffed or the very environment and local fauna will kill me.

I traveled to Jakob's city, Wanders End. Quaint. They had a nice layout for a city. They had all the necessities except an shuttleport. One of Jaob's Guildmates spotted me and said hi. He was a bit suspicious of me untill I mentioned that Jakob had invited me. Then he was quite pleasant and helpful. His name is Dups. Dups showed me around the town a bit before he flew off on his missions.

I later went south of Wanders End as the note suggested. Ok... "southish" whatever that means. All I found were 2 towns: Eden, which was a very empty town, and Dooms Keep.

Dooms Keep is an Imperial Base town. It is deceptively build to get you trapped inside. I almost couldn't get out. I was scanned and watched suspiciously. They must have though I was a spy. They then had me followed all the way back to Wanders End. But nothing unpleasant happened.

Jakob met me in Wanders End and showed me around some more. He gave me a great tour of his Guild Hall. The view from the roof is fantastic. The town is not in a section of plaent that is annoying. What I mean is the planet is covered in pink and purple flowers... but this part is grassy, like Corellia, with interesting standing stones scattered here and there. And the decor in the Guild Hall... is ... wow... I am so inept! They have such good taste and style. And it is so very comfortable and welcoming. Make it very tempting to live in this town. Very tempting.

As for my secret mission... well... I ran into a wall for it. I don't know what I am to do. I have no other clues.


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