Monday, December 06, 2004

A Breath from Death

A Battle Royal of rebel and imperial troops and Dark Jedi.

Dolch was well treated in the clone facility. I decided to go retrieve my mobile home from Moenia. Dolch dashed out like the brave warrior to kill a few more Imperials on his way to the starport. I dashed across the square dodging lase bolts and the swings of weapons and a narow miss by a light saber. I dashed right past Deomo.


My heart nearly stopped at the feeling i got from him. It overwhelmed all other feelings. I stood between the pillars with my comm emitting his voice: "come out come out wherever you are... I know you are here... I saw yu run by me..." I glanced at the starport. I would have to make a dash across the battle again to get there. And he was out there looking for me. I glanced at the shuttleport, my destination. It was a dash in complete open. I would surely be spotted. Trapped. Trapped. Like on Lok... trapped. The screams and challenges and deaths of those around. The thoughts. The emotions. I thought I was losing my mind. All the hard work I put into contained walls holding me in and everything else out. They were crumbling. Fast.

Maxell came on my comm. Damn. he wanted to meet me to talk some more... to ask me more questions. Damn. I knew it. He promised I would be safe and no harm would come to me. But i couldn't step from my hiding place. I didn't dare. The shuttle landed. I watched the battle searching for Deomo. He was far and heading for the Cantina. I looked at the shuttle again. Do I dare it? It is closer than the Starport. And no Imperials are there. But should I go speak with Maxell? Can I trust him? He gave his word. I couldn't think straight. Something in me said GO. So I ran to the shuttle. I snatched up a ticket and dashed over.... it left. The shuttle left without me. Oh gods. Four minutes to wait. I grew tense. Deomo came on the comm "I am coming for you..." Damn! Karking shuttle! It was the longest four minutes of my life! The stuttle landed. I turned to board it. Deomo! I was face to face with Deomo. Something in me snapped. Survival! One step and I was on the shuttle as he raised his gun to me. The doors closed. I felt him rage at the narrow miss. "Next time you will not be so lucky."

I was ... in a state... unstable state when Maxell met me at the other shuttle. Where was I? I was disoriented. Struggling to appear ok and sure of myself. The rest... is a bit of a blurr. he questioned me. He brought out his cats to ease me into calm. He spoke with me. It is so hard to NOT tell him things. Part of me just WANTS to. I can hardly help it.




Somewhere the feral took over. I was lost in waves of memories both my own and those i got from Brem of Kimbrya. Lost. Shaking. RUN.... but where? TRAPPED!!! Shaking. How close it too close? He ... knows me... he can sense the me inside. NOOOOooooo..... TOO CLOSE! TOUCHED!

I was drowning. Water. Nothing to hold onto. Then there was... and I clung to it. I enfolded by it.


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