Sunday, December 05, 2004

Bad to worse...

The rescue for Kimbrya did not go well. I am so not the leader type. This is evident by the failure. I was caught between search teams and spies and Brem and the various people trying to rescue her. It was chaos. At one point I felt Brem collapse in a pain I know all to well... Kimbrya lost the unborn... in a way that was... excrutiating. Apparently, she made an attempt to flee, sensing Brem close. But she never made it. The tortured her. It was terrible. Brem could hardly think straight. His rescue team was too small. SSS worked with another team called STING. ANd those two teams obliterated the rescue team.

Kimbrya was executed and all DNA records destroyed. If she did not give the Imperials information, I guess they figured no one could have it. Oh Kimbrya... I wish we could have been ... so much more for you. So many things went wrong. I have no idea how things could have gone better.

Brem thankfully had a small sample of her DNA that he was using for his BH hunting to try to find her. Her bosy was recovered from a shallow grave and revived in the local cloners. Brem then Smuggled her out on his ship to Dantooine.

She looked so small in his arms as he carried her in, tears streaking his face. He was a turmoil of pain, worry, hatred, compassion. She was so badly wounded. There were blade marks deep in her flesh ar her hands, in her left knee and elbow... and the miscarriage still paining her womb. Any sentiant would have been crushed by the sight of them. She still managed a polite introduction. I could see her spirit was not compleyely crushed. Thankfully. But some of that sweet innocence has definately been lost forever. He took her downstairs to the room aprepared for her. I could hear her wracked hith crying down their in his arms, till exhaustion took her to sleep. I arranged for a trusted doctor to come for her to a secret hospital for sprcialized treatment.

Brem... Brem was... anguish ... Anguish is the only word I could think of... and it does not remotely come close to what I can feel from him. He failed to save her. He will not forget that failure nor forgive himself easily. He practically lost Kimbrya. He definately lost the child they just recently conceived.

What now. What do I say? What do I do? What can I? I am so hyper aware of how unqualified I am right nor to be leading priestess of this Temple. I have no idea how to help Brem... the one I too love so very dearly.

Kayon was likewise horrified to learn he never made it out to her either... and he and a friend, alone, raged in the Talus Imperial Outpost, wiping out every Imperial there and then descending on the location and guilds that had help Kimbrya. He slayed Deomo, Kimbrya's torturer. And Dueled Cauil personally. Kayon has proved to be as skilled and dangerous as I had suspected. Only... too late.

Brem needed to go hunt things... to vent. I left him to his solitude. This was I time I knew I could not, should not interfere. I understand that anguish, all too well.

Funny... I feel so suddenly detached from it all. Like ... I really do not belong in this pisture but some do at the same time. I need to meditate or balance or something. I ... feel lost.

Brem feels lost.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paging Dr. Onion?

5:00 PM  

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